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what do you guys think of social taboos, companies can put sexual ads on tv but if theres anything ever about drugs its wrong. even weed, like all those anti- drug commercials, fuck them they dont make sense. anyone see the one where theres a little girl riding her bike back and forth in front of a mic d's exit and some baked kids hit her? its total shit.
agreed... when im stoned im totally mellowed out, i would be more likely to hit someone after being on a sugar rush from a meal at mcdonalds then if i was stoned.
You basically just made yourself sound like a moron by calling another persons opnion stupid. He clearly made a statement with an example. Way to keep up the NS attitude.
I agree, or the one with the kids playing with a gun and then it goes off supposedly because they were high. What a load of crap. I saw a story on the news here the other night where a 13 year old boy accidentally shot his friend while showing off his Dad's gun. At the end of the story they threw in there "the kids were smoking marijuana at the time." Kinda pissed me off to to hear the news guy throw that in on such a tragic story.
you ever see that anti weed commercial when the girl is like flat on the couch and her friends like no that blah blah smokes weed she never wants to do anything...i dont know why they make that seem negative...
I agree but imo they need to be less freaked about sex in movies and take it easy wiht the violence. I mean seeing a boob is far less harmfull than seeing some glorified war movie that is desensitises you from actual violence.
Not that I dont like a good violent movie, just saying that if they are going to scream about boobies they should scream about violence.
yesterday, my freinds told me to smoke some weed; and i did. and today they said i should try to outrun tic tic, the lumberyard dog, and i dont think i can. i'm and idiot. im doing stupid stuff, and that ain't me.
"live above the influence. Above them. Above weed.
the worst is when people say weed leads to harder drugs... thats like saying drinking leads to alcoholism... clearly there are some people who do move to hard drugs and fuck thier life up... but there is probably a higher ratio of drinkers that have become alcoholics than pot smokers who have become needle fiending addicts.
WHY they put anti-drug commercial? ...I mean seriously, are you guy retarded?
1. its bad for your health
2. organized crime, gangs...get stronger/richer
3.government dont get any$ from it
4.your brain is fucked up and you are too
5.addictive...I got a conference and it make a shitload of sense
that only applies for hardcore drugs like coke and heroin....mary jane is a whole different story....the government is acutally losing a shitload of money on all drug wars
No matter how much we disagree with something, there is most likely something at least a little bit true about it. Yes, drugs are bad, its all about making sacrifices.
1.worse than cigs and booze...YES what kinda filter is in a fucking joint? a fucking peace of cardboard?
2.yes,but still they wont legalize cuz its just bad+ there would still be a black market
3.agreed, but still, theyll never legalize it...smoking is being banned from all public places
4.well ur still fucked up, it takes 3 month for a weed-fucked-up cell to recover+ alcool is also bad
5. weed IS addictive, a joint produce 20% of your daily dose of adrenalin...then ur body produces only 80%, so u have to smoke 1 joint to feel normal and 2 to get high, then 3...vicious circle
im not sayin F-U everyone who smokes weed or anything, I do to, but still you have to realize its bad....but if we didnt do everything thats bad, we wouldnt ski, ski does the same adrenalin circle thing than weed, thats why you have to try bigger, sicker stuff to be pleased+ we hurt who cares, just realize its bad so you dont get to fucked up
1.actually the filters in ciggarettes dont do anything, and the amount of shit that ciggarattes pump into your lungs is digusting.
weed doesnt do much stuff healthwise to you
2.Its actually not all that bad for you, and ciggarrettes are way worse for you, but how come they are still legal? because the government makes a fuckload of money off of them.
3. Smoking cigarrettes is banned from most public places, but when you smoke weed, do you really smoke out in a public place?
no you do it in some remote place with your friends.
4.Ive never heard that statistic before.
99% of all statistics are made up.
(yes that is a joke)
thanks for deleting that pic out of my thread. ban that stupid shit hwo did it cause he's done it to multiple threads.
back to the thread, i like the points that ogou and jklops brought up about weed +alcolhol. i didnt know that about weed, how it decreases your body's natural instinct to create arenalin. and for alcohol, i think its a better route than drugs although it can lead to serious long term damage. keep the dicussion up, im enjoying it as well as learning new things.
1.worse than cigs and booze...YES what kinda filter is in a fucking joint? a fucking peace of cardboard?
I don't smoke 2 packs of joints a day. also, cigs have insane amounts of chemicals in them, such as arsenic and cyanide. weed is all natural.
2.yes,but still they wont legalize cuz its just bad+ there would still be a black market
If weed was legalized why would there be a black market? is there a black market for cigs or booze? no.
3.agreed, but still, theyll never legalize it...smoking is being banned from all public places
what does banning smoking in public places have to do with legalizing weed? I'm talking about chillin at your house, smoking a bowl that you purchased at your local 711, and not having to worry about having your door kicked in.
With weed, your cells recover, with "alcool" your cells die.
5. weed IS addictive, a joint produce 20% of your daily dose of adrenalin...then ur body produces only 80%, so u have to smoke 1 joint to feel normal and 2 to get high, then 3...vicious circle
that is probably the most retarded thing i've ever heard. I smoke the same amount to get high today then I did when I started. getting high isn't something I need, it's something I enjoy. I've taken 6 month breaks with no problem. I have noticed no change in my personal habits since smoking weed. experiance is the best teacher my friend, not D. A. R. E.
Oh so now I better quit smoking weed because the government doesnt get any money? The government is the last thing I care about when it comes to anything. And now that I'm "addicted" I better go buy some pot from gangs to support them. Go to your conferences and get some good advertising schemes or some anti-drug banners put up, you cant control the youth.
You really have little/no idea what you are talking about.
1. a joint has 5 times as many cancer causing agents/tar as a normal cigg. that's a good point only if people sat around and chained smoked 40 joints every day for 20 years like some do ciggs. people share joints and smoke them with less frequncy.
2. the goverment made weed illegal b/c paper companies were going to lose money when hemp became an alternate source for paper. (huge conspiricy, i don't feel like typing the whole story, google it)
3. it could be legalized in non-public places. plus the medical benefits far outweigh the "harmful" side effects.
4. what the fuck is a "weed-fucked-up" cell? you're actaully making shit up.
the problem is that not everyone would smoke pot. so the non-smokers would take over because they'd get twice as much done and then they'd just criminalize it again. it's a vicious cycle.
thats probably true.. but at least let it be decriminalized, then its only a charge, no jail time. that would almost be able to satisfy both parties, because people who dont smoke dont really loose alot, and people who do smoke will only worry about it as much as they worry about a parking ticket.
weed truly is nothing in comparison to alcohol; i have been smoking weed daily on and off for about 6 years; and i've been a heavy drinker 4 or 5 years. and 6 years later i have had not a single problem caused by marijuana. nor have i become addicted, i have willingly stopped smoking weed for up to 6 month spans of time. but alcohol, alcohol has gotten 4 PMBs, which meant a 3 month stay at a residential rehab .... putting me in a thousands in debt because i have no insurance. i also have liver sorosis. i've totaled a car, been in 4 car totaling accidents while riding with a drunk driver. i've had 3 bones broken while or because of drinking, and i've broken a few other peoples bones because i was in a drunken rage. but i've gotten in absolutely no trouble because i smoke weed.