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How to get the rents let you go to ski camp?
Posts: 8630
Karma: 1,561
alright, i wanna go to ski camp, i've never been, and since this winter sucks on the east coast, i wanna make up for it a little. How do i get them to agree?
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^ Yeah thats way is gaurenteed
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
at this point it is unrealistic that you are going to get a job and then make 2000 dollars in time to sign up but you might be able to pay for some
Posts: 4502
Karma: 47
tell them it's either that or you could be spending your time doing drugs and turning to a life of crime. vs. outdoor excersize and social skills improvement
Posts: 1176
Karma: 31
whore yourself out to 100 fat chicks for 20 bucks each. and plan on going to camp in 100 days.
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those MSPs in ur sig arent that good a deal u can get them at sierrasnowboard for like 380
Posts: 1741
Karma: -2
yeah just say its better than doing drugs, and if they dont let you start doing drugs and say its because you cant go to ski camp. or if they dont let you go just say you are giving up skiing because you cant do what everyone else does, and if they care about your hobbies then they should pay for it. it works for me all the time i need anything.
and fuck paying for it yourself, thats stupid, i wouldnt spend all year working my ass off for a week of skiing when your parents can get the money in like a week of pussy work.
Posts: 8630
Karma: 1,561
the problem with a job is that i don't have one right now, and i'm way too busy to have one.
i'm gonna offer to pay for a lot too.
Hell, my parents are probably looking for any reason to get me out of the house.
i like the drugs/social skills idea, and i haven't ruled out whoring.
the camp i'm looking into going to is empire freeride, me and my friend wanna go cause it looks like a shitload of fun
Posts: 738
Karma: 10
if they are supportive, tell them that it will help you progress and become a better skier. if not, get a job and tell them you will pay for some of it
Posts: 1412
Karma: 90
they were the cheapest a couple months ago.....
Posts: 8630
Karma: 1,561
yea, fuck it, they just told me i can't go regardless of how much i pay.
thats what happens when you suck at skiing at your parents dont support it at all. (i even tried the idea of saying i'd hang out here and do drugs)
Posts: 1858
Karma: 48
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Karma: -2
then really do drugs and fuck yourself up so they feel like shit.
Posts: 931
Karma: 20
i planed that i was gonna go to ski camp 2 yrs ago 4 this summer and i bugged my parents about it and i got all the info shoved the phone with the registration people on it right in there faces
and dont do drugs it wont get u anywhere
Posts: 11295
Karma: 502
sounds like youre pretty shafted
but the real summer experience is this: buy a hood summer pass. chill in a tent all summer. hitch hike to the mountain. get some cheap food an stuff at govy. its the way to be and you could ski like 50 days
Posts: 660
Karma: 10
you could win it from rage films, like i did
Posts: 6436
Karma: 109
well my first year my parents didnt want me to go cause my mom was afraid i was gonna get hurt in canada and i live on the east coast so many problems. Its also very expensive. So i convinced my dad to sign me up without my mom knowing. We sorta didnt tell her until the week before i left which was finals so i had a reason for her to not bug me. But she was pretty pissed. O and my parents are divorced either. The second year i had to pay for half the trip which i managed to do.
Posts: 1359
Karma: 23
blackmail them, steal their money, gamble online, sell drugs, kill them, torture them,
don't be a whiny little rich kid bitch...ski camps are for fag rich kid yuppie scum, go get a job and pay for it yourself!
if not, then stfu and deal
Posts: 2068
Karma: 12
my brother tried that with snowboarding camp and well...now hes a crack head homeless hippy
Posts: 16909
Karma: 4,683
offer to try harder in school and if you get a good gpa then they can pay for some, then get a summer job and pay them back for the rest.
Posts: 87
Karma: 11
I went to COC and my dad thought it was a race camp so he let me go. when i got back he found out it was a freestyle camp and now he doesnt wanna let me go back.
Posts: 74
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Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
50 days for the price of a a camp in whistler.
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
acutally not even. probably cheaper
Posts: 1412
Karma: 90
for the amount u pay to go to camp, why dont u buy a season pass and just stalk to pro's and just mimic them.... maybe make friends with them, and maybe they'll actually teach u a thing or 2...... and you'll still have money left over.....
Posts: 6598
Karma: 18
^i agree with the season pass thing its way cheeper n then you can ride all you want
Posts: 8630
Karma: 1,561
to everyone saying pay for it yourself, the issue isn't money, i've saved up to go.
its that they just won't let me go.
Posts: 3517
Karma: 36
yea dude its all about the $$$$$$$$$$
Posts: 2087
Karma: 11
it's all about the good grades and good attitude!
Posts: 2954
Karma: 14
Wow... I just lost any respect I had for you.
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Karma: 143
Posts: 3480
Karma: 6
tell them its a positive thing, and also you might take up heroin if you dont
Posts: 1741
Karma: -2
well i wouldnt spend like all year working just to ski for a week, yeah ski camp is fun, but not that fun. and whats wrong with your parents paying for it? are you saying you would rather pay for it yourself? if you ski you most likely arent poor because skiing costs quite a bit of money. so its not like your parents arent able to afford it. and its true most of our parents can probably make that money in like a week, rather than us making it over like a whole year.
Posts: 2675
Karma: 49
drugs is always the solution eh? but i also need to convince my parents but they keep teliing me about the more importanat things: college and work
Posts: 2765
Karma: 27
research always gets em....search shit and get mad research on why this would be a good investment........then tell them ull comitt suicide if they dont let u go and hold a gun to ur head while saying it
Posts: 4634
Karma: 227
If you already have the money, like you said, and they wont let you go, convince them to let you go next year or something, talk about it, like the guy above me, research it. Give them the old "If I learn the right way, I won't get hurt when I normally ski alone" Thats the only reason my mom is letting me go to water ramps this summer, so I can "learn" how to do stuff on a softer (water) surface.
Posts: 931
Karma: 20
did u get an oakley on peice 4real??
u've gotta be amazing to wear that
Posts: 888
Karma: 13
U guys are a bunch of stuck up bitches. It isnt u parents job to pay for anything accept for the clothes on ur back, food, and a house over ur head. Get a fucking job or sell some drugs but the more u make it seem like its there job to pay for shit like that the moer they will not want to
Posts: 931
Karma: 20
so true
when i get home i have to work 4 a month in the family restaraunt.
o and if u can pay why wont ur parents let u go?
thats kinda weird?
Posts: 1283
Karma: 11
if you have the money, why not just sign up and go? deal with the parents when you get back. ski camp will be worth it. you might not even get in trouble because theyll be so impressed that you took responsibility and did it all yourself
Posts: 3491
Karma: 56
no it isnt...my brother makes a hundred bucks a week with many weeks to go, it isnt hard since your under 18 no taxes either
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