personally i think its hot when girls are athletic.. not butch, but when a chick would rather do sports then go shopping i think its hot... but there is a very large difference between the size of the urethra in a penis, and the size of the vaginal canal, women were infact designed genetically to be the care givers/child bearers of our species, men were genetically designed to be the hunter/gatherers for our species. women being less physically strong than men is how our species evolved, or how god made us, or whatever you want to believe. in some species, such as lions, the females actually do more of the hunting, and a lioness would kick a lions ass any day, because that is the way that species evolved. live with it... women in our species have for the last 5 or so thousand years untill basically this century, yet women are definately as intellectually capable as men, they even work harder usually (i suspect because they have something to prove).
and no i couldnt squeeze a baby though my penis, but i feel very confident in saying that if you had a penis you wouldnt be able to squeeze a baby through it either.
however, i am pretty sure if i had a vagina i would be able to push a baby through it.
so in your battle to fight for women being as good as --and judging by your biased arguaments-- even better than men, maybe you should not stoop to the level of most of the stupid childish boys on this site, and use some valid arguaments, and try to prove women have something over men, such as the ability to debate rationally, rather that pump shit out your ass.