Oh my fucking lord...so I was looking at my old high school's website (why you ask? because my girlfriend is still goes there and she did some work on it and i wanted to see it) and i was searching through the whole thing and came upon the funniest thing ever...sophmore year (grade ten for you canucks) my buddy and i were hot karls for halloween. we wore one piece gas station out fits and made hot carl masks out of surgical tubing and dust masks. anyhow i was searching though the photos page and boom there it is on a catholic prep school's website...two guys decked out in hot karl costumes. i don't know why we did it, would have gotten us kicked out of school if anyone knew what we were (faculty wise), but we pulled it off. anyhow, our legacy remains...and they added a fucking aswesome title to it as well.
to get the full experience you need to go through the website to find it, you must realize how stuck up the school was...anyhow, its www.seaprep.org > about prep > images > students > hot karl (above the asian batman picture).
''Your true colors are showing through, Erich...pink...lots and lots of pink.''