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YGO issue: Pre-sponsored riders.......schould they.....or schouldn't they
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
Ok.....soo this is just an issue tread. So for next year's YGO, schould they let sponsored kids ride in the YGO.....or schould it be "Fresh" talent?
Just want to know how people feel.
Posts: 15350
Karma: 311
u guys care way too much about this
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
Well fuck you asshole........i am 19 and going to college in the fall......if you had even read my whole post you would have seen that i am not trying to become a prorider. Yeah there are some AWSOME kids who can't move Whistler......but have the talent. I am saying if you already have your foot in the door, at least give a chance to the other kids to ride. Stick with the people you are riding for, hell they might even rep you really well.
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
This is a thread about giving your opinion.........don't do any of that NS "STFU" bull shit.....stop being part of the problem JD.
Posts: 2658
Karma: 20
k so who are you again? the hot shit? the pope? owner of all skiing kind? calling out JD is like calling out hulk hogan, you just don't do it unless you want your ass to get kicked.
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
by who......it is not the first time i do it........he is the kind of kid who rides on new Armadas.....and has all of the best shit that mommy and daddy can buy......then gets to the hill and rips his as on a simple 12 foot flat box. He is all about companies and not about the skiing.
I really could care less of who this guy is......really.....all i know is i ski on a hill that has a piece of shit rope tow....and literaly 400 feet high. But we still ride anyways.......most guys don't even have twins....and those who do have OLD twins. We ski for fun......not for any sort of particular bullshit.
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
Personally I'd rather not waste my time on a 12 foot flat box when I have a few thousand feet of vert to work with... just as I'd rather not waste my time on you when I have better things to do. I will point out that I buy all my own stuff... and my outerwear is like 4 years old. I get new skis because I trash them SKIING.
By the way, my opinion is that people should stop bitching about comps that are set up for skiers. I'm sorry it's not good enough for you, but if you don't like it, go make your own competition.
Anyway. Enjoy your rope tow. As far as I can tell you're just another whiny kid suffering from small mountain syndrome. And considering your skiing is just for fun, you might want to stop with the bitching and focus on something that actually matters.
Posts: 2658
Karma: 20
your right, im sucking up completely....fool.
just a warning if the guy doesn't want to get into a major battle of titans. i have tried many a times and failed many a times at winning. i have learned, I CANNOT WIN!!!
Posts: 2077
Karma: 25
^ yea, not to mention,with a real job anyone can afford to buy more than onepair of skis.
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
and from what i can see.......you suffering from skiing schould have a point syndrom. Dude skiing schould just be for fun.....no how much vertical feet.....or to get paid.....or to show off......just fun. You did not even get the point of it man.....i said that because we live in a place where skiing schould not be....but it is....because we love it and it is fun. Skiing schould never have a point.
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
Posts: 2658
Karma: 20
but what if you DO have everything accessible? you cant bag on people just because they have mountains or even a JOB available to them. if you have all this stuff, why wouldnt you take it to your advantage?
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
i did read it all......and the thing is you do care about what people ride. Dude you bitched about how the new Pollard ski is just a wide jib ski. You contradict your self. Yeah sorry for having a "typo" you know......even though every magazine/newspaper of all time has them since the begining of the written word.
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
Just so you know, a typo is when you know how to spell the word but your finger misses a key. You did it 5 or 6 times. Just sayin'.
Also, the Bacon is a pow ski, obviously... It skis longer than 182... so I don't know where you're getting that... I couldn't care less what skis you ride.
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
All i am saying......just ski for fun......and for nothing else. I am not saying people who have new gear are bad......i am saying that people schould not judge other riders by what they got......and skis are skis man.....who cares as long as your having fun.
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
Uh... well, actually, skis are different. EHPs are not Invaders. If you're buying EHPs to ski park because you think you'll look cool, that's a bit silly. But the fact that skis differ doesn't stop people from skiing for fun, so I don't see the connection.
Posts: 1228
Karma: 332
hahah god i love ns conflict. jd, yes we had small mountaing syndrome. matman rides the same place i do and it most definetly sucks ass but we make it fun.
Posts: 1228
Karma: 332
hahah just take a look at my equipment hahahah
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
dude you really don't get it...... skiing schould be just fun......no matter what people ride or where. Hell i will take some maden'AKs in the pipe just for the hell of it. You said it best.....who cares......just ride because you love it.
Posts: 2467
Karma: 23
good luck getting into college, I think you schould have no problem....I also wanted to point out that you may want to work on making complete thoughts as well as complete sentences.
Posts: 2659
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Posts: 2659
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Posts: 2467
Karma: 23
no, but he is trying to get pitty points wherever he can, and what I've been through, that shit don't work. Everyone has the ability to make something happen for them and I firmly believe that...If you wanna do it, go out and do it...quite trying to take short cuts and easy routes...that will get you nowhere in a hurry. And why did he call me an asshole, he doesn't even know me...
Posts: 4122
Karma: 222
to be sponsored you should be able to win competitions, or at least place. if they couldn't then practice more or something
Posts: 1790
Karma: 13
its funny how you guys are all like "UH UH UH you probably suck UH UH." see thats how i know that you guys suck. Anyone that says that kind of silly banter is obviously a horrible skier..this being said, all the people i know that are dope skiers and boarders are super modest adn dont go around saying uuuhhh you proably suck...know why???....because they dont worry about you fuckers who think you are dope beacuse you and your "mad" friends can do 450s and swicthups on the sweet flatbar you made that is less than 4ft long......ist people like you guys that make skiing bad...you relate us to rollerblading and have a stupid version of where skiing is and where you think its going...you seem obsessed with being so "tech"( spinning onto ride on rails and performing switchups galore even when there is no kink )on rails and thinking you are really dope becuase you can cork 7 the 30fter at "stratton"(or any other "cool" resort....but pretty much you are terrible at skiing and you will sit in your cool resort wondering when "poorboyz" or "MSP" is going to come scout you and your friends awesome talent.....it aint gunna happen guys sorry.
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
Ok, there are a lot of idiots posting in this thread so I'll do my best to try to set things right by imputing my personal and hopefully reasonable thoughts on the matter:
Look at other sports and see that people with the age of 20 and under are considered young guns. In reality this is very true because it is a young age to be had. I think people are setting the standards for the term "young gun" very low (ages 15 even!) because they are focusing so much on the young prodigy atheletes in our sport such as Derek Spong, TJ Shiller, Sammy Carlson... etc. Personally the people entering should use their own discretion if their age is the right age to be entering. I'm 18 and I'll be entering because 1. I think 18 is still very young to be pro, and 2. I just want to have a good time at a resort I never have the pleasure of going to. Reall the number 2 reason is why many others enter so why bitch about their ages when they're just out there having fun in an actual ski comp. that's getting a lot of press in the ski world.
I think it was best said in a previous post that the AMs with flow sponsorships (Matt Walker, Lil' John) deserve to win because they went through, as far as we know, a lot of crap; training, injuries, risks, dedication and good decisions to get where they are and really in the end they do deserve it because really they are trying to do what we all are doing and that is becoming pro by winning comps. Now people are going to disagree and say that there are people out there that are out there with no sponsorships and that are really good but won't have the opportunity to shine because all these sponsored AMs are comming in... well if this unsponsored nobody was as amazing to be a pro, let that person come to the YGO and show that he/she wants it and has the ability to get it. Otherwise, go through the process the ones before you have done and get basic shop sponsorships and work your way up from there.
Ok, I said my piece, now I'll steal Matt Walker's by saying, stop bitching and go out and earn your spot in the ski industry through WORK and PRACTICE.
Posts: 2467
Karma: 23
Very well said...I couldn't agree more about age...when I was 19, I thought I was young in the sport...that was 6 years ago...you can see how things have changed so fuckin rapidly
Posts: 4008
Karma: 143
yeah i think they shouldnt do it
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
no kidding. its really not a big deal.
Posts: 1228
Karma: 332
everything is a big deal on ns. someone changing their name is a huge deal . thats why ns is so gay
Posts: 2467
Karma: 23
haha, that icon is the greatest
Posts: 1596
Karma: 86
Posts: 1434
Karma: 18
Posts: 1228
Karma: 332
Posts: 1192
Karma: 293
I think they should make another contest for people on the verge of making it. Like for people like Sammy Carlson about a year ago and like Sean and Callum Petit and all the rising stars. They could have comps at like Whistler, Tremblant, Mammoth and Aspen
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
yea but how would you make rules for that?^ oh you can't be in it cause your not sponsored......sorry just sounds dumb
Posts: 9566
Karma: 129
Coby (2nd at Seymour) and myself (3rd at seymour) are both 21. Which is getting pretty old as far as this sport goes. We entered because nobody knows about us Washington kids and we wanted to let everyone know that Washington kills it. That's all
Posts: 3861
Karma: 490
there are a shit load of good kids who arent hooked up at all, no deals no free stickers, nothing, thats the kind of kid who should be in ygo, even if u are sponsored just a little bit u should ne be allowed to enter, its as simple as that
Posts: 1790
Karma: 13
ive never laughed so hard in my life.
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