Hi there. I have been on ns for a really long time. I have had 3 accounts before this one, my first being in 2003. I have been here through the 'good times' and the 'bad times' and have one thing to say:
NS is not dying. It is getting bigger every day, and there are more than 80,000 people on this site. Perhaps if we stop griping about how this site is going to die, and stop acting like fools maybe the site will stay alive. I used to be a hater, but I have changed my ways and started to constructively criticize and help other people on the site and its worked for me. Maybe those of you who come on here and only make fun of those noobs and people that need help would just tone it down a bit, maybe make some positive threads, then NS won't be a sinking ship. All im saying is try being a little more mellow, and people like Jacob W and John S wont leave. Its up to us to make the site better than ever.