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Different types of grinds
Posts: 94
Karma: 10
what different kinds of grinds can skiers do? whats each grind and whats it called?
Posts: 2617
Karma: 23
according to 90% of this site, anything but a normal slide is "gay".
but one footers (sideways or skis parralel to the rail)
nosepress and taile press (when you are sliding with the rail under the tips or tails)
charles gagnier does that roller blader one thats sick.
thats all i can think of right now.
Posts: 10471
Karma: 2,182
slides, not grinds. thanks
Posts: 4396
Karma: 2,967
rail slide
unnatural railslide
fs switch up
bs switch up
spins on
spins off
nollie on
switch on
switch off
nose butters on
tail butters on
thats all the ones i do
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what about spinning on the rail/box
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You're stupid. 90% hates 1 footers, cause they look horrible. I actually love nose/tail press and that one little shifty thing steel spence does in shag6 was sick
Posts: 2171
Karma: 214
Spining on rails and off rails and spins during the rail are all dope. Nose and tail presses are the shit, but i cant do one worth a shit. 50/50s are Sweet if you spin on, switch up, or spin on the rail, but just 50/50 is kind of lame. The back leg drag thing that C.G. is kind of cool and different, but the one footers, I have to say i think they look like shit. Butters are good. I think my favorite rail trick would be a 630 to rail to nose press butter to 270 off. Or 810 to rail
Posts: 4634
Karma: 227
Also brokens (drag your back foot) royales, (drag both feet) and UFOs (leed foot points out, back foot drags) 50-50s and 1 footers.
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i said those are the ones i do, and i dont do lame grinds like "ufo's"
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i saw this one crazy one where the skis are crossed and the bottom ones on its side
Posts: 4396
Karma: 2,967
ah yes, i forgot. and pretzelized switch ups. eg 270 on, bs switch up
Posts: 4634
Karma: 227
Oh I assumed you said, "Those are the only ones I know" sorry.
Posts: 20283
Karma: 5,931
pretzel isnt a grind. a grind is the way you position your feet not spin on and shit. diff grinds are regular, ski slide (5050), one foots, nose press/tail press, royale, ufo, broken, unity, some people can do a 5050 but get their foot sideways, sit down, rainmaker( moving one foot forward and one back), crooked (turning either between like 20 and 70 degress or 100 and 160 or so)
Posts: 4396
Karma: 2,967
or a shifty on the rail whle your sliding. for an example, see steele spence in shanghai 6
Posts: 4905
Karma: 32
jea sickest grind bar trick ever
Posts: 20283
Karma: 5,931
fast slide is a 1 foot....thers backslide and fastslide
Posts: 674
Karma: 60
i haven't heard of half off those.. i like the normal side ways grinds
Posts: 20283
Karma: 5,931
thats why the sport isnt progressing....im gonna start doin all these weird grinds and shit. i bet that within 2 years people will wise up, judges will give less points for normal grinds. they will be lookin for a 270 on to crooked grind or somethin
Posts: 7201
Karma: 1,126
i thought a pretzel was a 270 on, opposite 270 off?
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see but if you do that theres gonna be a whole new bandwagon, where people actually reazile when you practice new stuff youll figure out how to make it look good.
does anybody remember when every 3 was penciled? but now threes can look sick. it may have taken awhile, but they look good now. grinds are the same way. you actually have to do them to make them look good. ill admit most people cant do good one footers, but ive seen some do one footers that looked great. honestly, im sick of style being the only important thing. its not even the most important any more. its the ONLY thing anyone thinks is worth anything anymore.
i mean sure its sick to be able to do a perfect switch 5, but landing a switch 10 on a backcountry jump-do you even realize how hard that would be? i mean it might not look great, but with something like that i wouldnt give a shit.
and butters are a whole different story. they look sick when done properly, but most of the people i see oing them basically just revert around from switch 20 feet before the rail and jump on. thats not progression.
this probably wont get read by anybody, but i dont give a shit, cuz soon enough everybody will realize its gonna be necesary.
Posts: 290
Karma: 10
Anything that wasn't ripped from snowboarding is gay and unoriginal.
Posts: 4719
Karma: 20
dont forget about the poopslide
Posts: 20283
Karma: 5,931
theres still alot of room for butters like you said
Posts: 4502
Karma: 47
doin grinds with like a tru nose or a truck driva are pretty sick done with a nosepress.then i guess u could do the same with a tru tail (is that even a grab?) and a tailpress
Posts: 20283
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i like tailpress with tailgrab but the nose one doesnt really look too good. ive experimented
Posts: 15084
Karma: 732
all these GnAr roLarbladinz grindz r just way 2 sic 4 me
Posts: 1772
Karma: 11
how do you do a pretzel???
Posts: 1772
Karma: 11
i know its not a jib, but it looks intense when its done onto a rail
Posts: 2171
Karma: 214
Well if your gonna bring up all that other goffer shit. Theres the no grind( just jump all the way over the shit.
Posts: 3255
Karma: 11
yo, royales look dope on rails, all you haters wanta hate, lovers wanta love, but i don't even want none of the above. i want to piss on you. -r kelly
Posts: 658
Karma: 13
there tonnes.. and then people put there own style to them and new things pop up all the time.. i personaly like it when skiers can drag there back foot looks sick..
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