There are a lot more, but two come to mind as of now: 1) the fucking Cabarasset (however the fuck you spell it, I don't give a shit) Academy ads are so fucking lame...they are photo shopped to all shit, they don't even look real. There are a couple of them, but the one I just saw is some guy doing a mute grab like thirty years out of the pipe and its funny because you can tell in actuallity he was like three feet out, because the guy in the background is looking at where the skier should be.
2) This one is the worst by far. The DaKine ad of Micah Black doing a switch 180 off cornice has to be the gayest thing I have ever seen...its not big, he does it sloppy, doesn't eve grab a simple trick like that. It fucking pisses my off that anyone could even consider running that shit, its srtaight retarded.
I am not dissing the atheletes nor the photographers, but mainly the people in charge of running advertising...what the hell are you thinking? Especially DaKine who has a photostock deeper than a pile of TRex's shit and with talent like Micah, there had to be hoards of better shots, I mean c'mon guys. As for the Caba12345shitaset Academy ads...whatever, you're not fooling anyone.
''Your true colors are showing through, and lots of pink.''