so this might be a little long, but theres this kid, scott, at my school and im talking super nerd-pocket protector, calculator strapped to the belt-the works.
he has like these huge outbursts about the most random shit. hes also always reading a book called "8 steps to happines" and is usually muttering to himself in the process.
so my favorite thing hes done so far is like this: we are in spanish and hes talking to this girl (shes not like super hot but id do her) and he tells her how depressed he feel around valentines day. so she says something along the lines of, "maybe if you just try to talk to a girl and show her you like her, she might like you back." he responds, as if it were a normal thing, "last time i tried that, i was accused of stalking her."
of course the whole room was listening to this conversatin, and everybody now has there heads down trying, and failing miserably at covering up there laughter. except me. im laughing my ass off. i think im on his "kill list".
ill bake him some cookies or something.