Replying to My nite last night (i think)
It began with an offer to go to a toga party at the college here. good no toga tho. so i had to pay 20 bones to get in. not bad concidering it was free booze and lots of it. so about 12-15 beer later and 15-25 shots later (they had shots lined up in test tube racks) i was hammed. then i split up with my friend who i was up there with and went to session. my friend took off to the bar i later learned. i went back to another friends dorm and sessioned with him. i think this is when i played a lil shot for shot cause my face is a lil sore. then some drunken whore stole my shoes cause they thaught they were theirs so i had to find them on res. that was fucked up. i called a cab and this crazy fucker took me from the collge most of the way home. either he knew i was fucked out of my skull or he just likes fucking with people im not sure. anyways i think this is about the time i did my groceries. (im one special kid, drunk and fucked up and i still manages to do my groceries!)
i got back to my apt around 2-230 and then got a call from one of my friends to go to a party. so he gets his 2 freinds to drive over and pick me up and i go with them. we started to smoke weed and shit all night and i dont really remember too much after this period except how fucking high i was when the booze wore off. then smoked some coke and went home.
and i said: 'well, you see, night time and daytime are two entirely different times' - Skipimp_
Pimpin since Pimpin be Pimpin been Pimpin
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