Now just as a thought, I know that NS is really going to get more money for having more members and all and that they are a big name now in skiing really, but
I just read Jacobs post about how he is leaving, becuase of how this the members of this site act. And I am on the edge of following the kid. Its getting old. Now you say I bitch. I don't care. I am on multiple mountain bike sites where there is alot less tolerance and its totally fine. I don't understand why people that do not talk skiing and are not useful are even tolerated? I honestly think that people like LIL Gordian should just be gone. There is no purpose for them. We should be a core group of skiiers, and a place people go to learn and see how skiing really is. How we are. I woulnd't ski with half of these assholes. Granted there are a lot of rad peeps on this site, the bad is growing quickly. I say you cut the tolerance and just IP ban non useful people of the forums.