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Who one Newschoolers where a Helmet?
Posts: 1902
Karma: 12
I just want to see what people think of wearing a helmet?
Posts: 946
Karma: 16
who the fuck do you hang out with?
who teaches you how to talk and type, learn to type right, god damn you dont make any sense
Posts: 14693
Karma: 786
Posts: 1467
Karma: 11
go for it..saved my life prolly cracked one open on a rock...woulda been my head if i wasnt wearing it
Posts: 13785
Karma: 1,956
my nine mx has samed me countless times, go for it, if you think your gonna get shit for it, just say well see who is laughing when you crack your dome open.
Posts: 6302
Karma: 357
i wear one. the first day i had it (bought it this season), i took two falls that would put me in the hospital. helmets are a good investment, ESPECIALLY on big jumps
Posts: 3070
Karma: 209
Posts: 12973
Karma: 500
Posts: 21048
Karma: 5,062
depends on the day. if i'm feeling crazy, a helmet. if i'm just out to ride the mountain and go easy in the park, toque
Posts: 1469
Karma: 7
i use helmet if im doing big jumps and big spins
Posts: 667
Karma: 17
i think it's stupid to not wear a helmet, you can get a concussion so easily just on the flats if some retard who doesnt know how to ski comes by you and cuts you off or runs over your skis or something that stupid noobs do and you fall on flat hard snow and hit your head you wont know where you are or why your skis are clicked off your feet and your walking over to the trees or who your hooking up with, atleast thats how my friend was
Posts: 5240
Karma: 30
Posts: 2683
Karma: 12
didn't wear one for two years, and then got a really bad concussion. started wearing one and saved me a few times. wear one if you want to, don't if you don't.
Posts: 2171
Karma: 17
I wear one pretty much all the time, unless I'm just cruising with my friends at this smaller hill.
Posts: 2499
Karma: 69
i wear one, and i think most people on here also do, either they know its good to have one, or they got a wicked concussion and decided to wear a helmet
Posts: 3457
Karma: 41
i wear helmets ,cept for when i teach my bugger ass kids
Posts: 278
Karma: 13
i got to get a helmet man who makes the best ones?
Posts: 150
Karma: 11
giro helmets are sick
protec are one of the safest there newer models
and they should by manditory
they save lives
Posts: 2567
Karma: 1,347
i do, bad lieutenant with tune ups
Posts: 402
Karma: 14
i wear mine 1/2 the time im out.
Posts: 4429
Karma: 20
yeah i dont rly wear a helmet and i prolly should but o well
Posts: 3909
Karma: 223
Posts: 6853
Karma: 816
all the time, helmets are prime!
Posts: 16030
Karma: 151
Posts: 1866
Karma: 171
never took it off..never fell on my head but one day it will work when ill least suspect it.and ill have it on and i will live after the gnarly fall.
Posts: 611
Karma: 16
i love my helmet i feel more confidint and i go bigger.
Posts: 9304
Karma: 3,670
my helmet has saved my ass a few to many times
Posts: 8068
Karma: 43
you wear your helmet on your ass?
Posts: 9297
Karma: 1,495
get a hi-fi you cant even feel it. I love that helmet sooo much
Posts: 2452
Karma: 14
i always wear my helmet, you never know when something's gonna happen.
Posts: 7845
Karma: 93
I've always worn my helmat, I feel awekward without it.
Posts: 13785
Karma: 1,956
Posts: 2720
Karma: 49
Posts: 5240
Karma: 30
Posts: 1092
Karma: 34
right hurr right hurr right hurr
Posts: 1902
Karma: 12
I wasn't saying i don't i do, but i was just seeing how many other people do too.
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
well, if you wanna die you dont have to wear a helmet, but if you dont wanna die, i suggest you wear a helmet
Posts: 1396
Karma: 33
Posts: 841
Karma: 53
all the time...feel weird without it
Posts: 8
Karma: 20
I use Giro nine.9 It keeps my brains warm. I dont want freeze my brain.=)
Posts: 176
Karma: 10
Was glad I had my helmet on a couple weeks ago when I bonked my gourd. Three years ago my brother tomahawked down from the top of Mt. Bachelor cone into a rock. Helmet saved him.
Posts: 10182
Karma: 66
giro 9, getting tune ups soon
Posts: 5608
Karma: 392
oo, oo, i do, i do, also does anyone else notice, no snowboarders where a 9mx or 10mx?
Posts: 21048
Karma: 5,062
Posts: 658
Karma: 11
I wear one riding everywhere, even small places... I have the tendency to do dumb shit at high speeds and I like the security a helmet affords me, makes me feel bullet proof haha
oh... and Im human so usually I dont have a choice when I might fall hard
Posts: 1069
Karma: 129
i feel naked without it, so if i need to make sure i dont fuck myself up i take it off and it will ensure that i dont throwdown anymore.
Posts: 8198
Karma: 258
man.....learn english.. but yeah not wearing a helmet is just stupid one bad fall and you can be fucked for life
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
i only really wear helmets when i need to for comps/urban
Posts: 658
Karma: 11
this may sound odd but a helmet seems to throw off my perception in the pipe... I can ride pipe better without a helmet, yea Im weird, but always wear helmet, I too feel naked without mine
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
page 2!!! ohhh totally claimed it
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