hahaahahaha, soooo many stories.
couple days ago, i was raking out the lip to this rail (im on park crew), and its a rail that gapers love to hit and ride next to the rail, and off the landing (its built on a small table). well, this one lil girl kept buggin me about when it was gonna open back up. after like the 3rd time, i asked her if she was gonna hit the rail, and that i would really like to see that. then she said she was just gonna ride over it. i told her not to, cause it fucks stuff up, blah blah blah. well later that day, some girl had fuckin crushed herself, and was bein takin off on the sled, and was all covered up. that same lil girl came up to me, and asked why she was all covered up. my answer:
shes dead. she was hitting the side of the rail, and crashed. yup, pretty sad. the little girl then proceeded to flip out and she ran away. hahahahah.
one more.
last year thiss place that sucks balls built a decent jump. i was stoked, case it was a decent jump. but all sorts of kids were fucking it up. so im yellin at kids from the lift. i get up there, and some gaper dad is waitin for me, and bitches at me about yellin at kids, and how they are free to ski wherevere they want. i tell him they fuck shit up, and are gonna get hurt, or hurt someone else.
after fighting with this sweatpant clade gapere, i ski off to hit the jump. later that day, the dude comes up to me to appologize and tell me i was right about his kids bein a danger. i thanked him, and that was tht. well, later that day, the owner of the resort and all the head maintnence guys were out fixin the jump, and the SAME DUDE skis down with his kid hanging on his pole, right into the lip of the jump, takin out like 3 f the head dudes there. it was CLASSIC