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I have a idea to solve the NOOB situation!!
Posts: 1193
Karma: 16
i propose becuae i have seen a increase of debates of who is "Newber". so instead of a post count. why don't we put the date we joined the site? or maybe a compilation of both. or seperate color tag for shop employess, ski instructors, and other professionals of the sport. im just throwing this out there, becase this seems to be what some of the threads are becoming into arguements over this crap. just my two cents.
Posts: 590
Karma: 10
Pretty cool idea, but sounds a little complex for the site now, maybe in the near future.
Posts: 19108
Karma: 16
its in your profile, but yea, it should show we you joined and your post count
Posts: 1193
Karma: 16
yea, but who takes the time to search peoples profiles before they speak.
Posts: 19108
Karma: 16
Posts: 1193
Karma: 16
wow, very inspiring night for me, have 3 lines in the little speal next to posts,...
joining date,
post count
ski industry job (shop owner, park/pipe, snowports school, etc etc)
Posts: 13176
Karma: 19,682
Posts: 3150
Karma: 421
good idea, i didnt start a thread until like 700 posts i think, and its mostly just which ski should i get
Posts: 27
Karma: 10
Posts: 2253
Karma: 21
Could work just like that. But then you would always have the people who just post whore themselfs out until they hit fifty posts.
Posts: 1193
Karma: 16
yea... thank you for the usefull input
Posts: 4979
Karma: 10,708
Posts: 1627
Karma: 41
meh...this site is for progressing our sport. talking about things in our sport and such. newbs and vets of this site is a good thing, cuz it means that kids are wanting to get into freestyling and steezing while those vets can offer help to get them there.
its more important that we just not really care so much about whos a newb and whos not and let those who like to post, post. let em do there thing. just no pay attention to it
Posts: 10729
Karma: 256
why don't you just reply on how intelligent their statement was, instead of basing your opinion of them on how long they have been on this site. What if Simon Dumont made a name that wasn't his real name. You'd call him a newb. Doesn't mean he doesn't know anything about skiing
Posts: 2253
Karma: 21
Posts: 31125
Karma: 336
exactly...i have seen a couple amazing post from 'n00bz' but i also see shit posts from 1000+ posters....
Posts: 1814
Karma: 10
no but ski job (if had) age and date joined should be put. So then when a 12 year old starts alking about how kelly clark is so hot, we know hes just dumb, not gay. (see how i smoothly stuck in a kelly clark ugly joke... shes the new your mom)
Posts: 1772
Karma: 11
yeah thats a good idea, but maybe a little higher like 65 or 75...
Posts: 1892
Karma: 16
i think its a bad ideas, because if you get a no0b who wants to start a post, then it'll just post whore till 50 or whatever posts. and i dont think it would really help that much.
Posts: 2683
Karma: 12
that is true but i don't think many n00bs post whore right off the bat. but these are some good ideas.
Posts: 3457
Karma: 41
maybe not the snow sports school shit cause i know snowbaorders who teach skiing but dont know what din is.
Posts: 9248
Karma: 27
if u put ur mouse over a users name, it shows their member number on the bottom left corner of the window
Posts: 11456
Karma: 634
for people with under 100 posts you should have a confirmation message come up saying Are you sure you searched it?
Posts: 10182
Karma: 66
hah yeah that would be sick
Posts: 5606
Karma: 195
Why? What would the point be? There is none. I don't care when someone joined, thats really not important. If they are stupid and post stupid shit, I'm not going to respect them just because they have been here a long time. IE Mattman.
Posts: 5117
Karma: 65
well not to put down your idea but you seem to be something of a newb yourself
Posts: 2313
Karma: 56
maybe thats why he is asking....
Posts: 5062
Karma: 424
the only "noob"problem this site has is people thinking that they should tell every noob that they are bad ass, and found the internet 3 months before them. If people would jsut shut the FUCK up and talk about skiing? there would be no problem. Only like a very rare while is the search bar thing very appropriate.
Posts: 1193
Karma: 16
me, yes to this site, i could be considered a "noob" i have been on the site for less then a year. HOWEVER, i do have a indept knowledge of the sport, and work in the Ski industry. so in a way, my "idea" would prevent instances like this. and a secenario which was brought up in another post,as if a pro such as tanner, or simon make a user name. to the site, they may be a noob, but there knowledge could far suceed yours.
Posts: 17
Karma: 15
Ya i kinda think its retarded that it says newb or loner blah blah. I have hardley have any and it says newb which means im a forum newb. So i dont spend evry waking moment on the computer starring at a screen, whoc cares
Posts: 6753
Karma: 68
how about... you suck at the internet.
how about... you don't judge people you don't know, especially on trivial things like how long they've nerded it up on here?
Posts: 667
Karma: 17
yeah i dont understand why it matters
Posts: 6631
Karma: 41
I think that is an excellent idea. They have that sort of thing on other much more mature forums than we have here, so I think it is dearly needed.
Posts: 9458
Karma: 105
Some forums have like a point system, where when someone makes a useful post they get a point, and when someone makes a stupid post they lose a point...it is easy to see what posts to read that way. It goes something like this:
Lowest is -100, highest is 100, the 0 is where you are at right now, so if you were at say 9 it would look something like this:
If someone is in the negatives, maybe they wouldn't be able to make a thread or something. I don't know, but I think that it is a solution.
Posts: 19108
Karma: 16
we have gone through ideas for years and nothing has change, I beg of you. I can help and I have great ideas. The mods and admins won't listen to me
I could change NS forums right around
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