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summer skiing... cheap package?? help me
Posts: 112
Karma: 10
Alright, me and my buddy cotty want to go skiing this summer. We're poor as fuck so we need to find a deal... I here chile has some bad ass shit.... does anyone have any suggestions on where do get good packages or anything?
Posts: 1256
Karma: 9
saas fee switzerland maybe? no rails, but 2 pipes and some big kickers, usually one stupid big euro kicker. maybe tignes france? they have a decent park too, but i was there in the fall (october).
sure the plane ticked is expensive, but i imagine that if you were to stay a month or more it ends up much cheaper than whistler and hood, with better skiing.
Life sucks, get a fucking helmet
-Denis Leary
Posts: 112
Karma: 10
well we would probably stay around a week and a half.
Posts: 121
Karma: 10
argentina is probably really cheap right now because its pretty bad down there. If you go to whistler try to get a night job or part time job because a camp is really expensive.
Posts: 1094
Karma: 11
good luck getting a job in argentina, the fuckin country is bankrupts. go check in my profile, you got some vids and pics from las lenas...
Fashion is for loosers
Stop following Hype
Posts: 14
Karma: 10
Both Mt Hood and Whisler/Blackcomb need shovelers for summer camps. That is if you don't mind a little hard work to spend the summer working on your sun tan, watching everyone perfect their air and rails. Oh yea did I mention Babes.
'Ski To be Free'
Posts: 660
Karma: 19
Babes? What the hell? I went to Camp Revolution this summer on Mt. Hood and as far as I could tell there were no babes. I walked the streets of government camp with fellow campers every night I was there and the only girls we talked to the entire time were from Lake Tahoe. From afar they looked good enough to talk to...from up close it was another story. Now Whistler on the other hand is located in Canada. Night life in BC consists of a little boozin' and not to mention legal usage of marijuana. If you want to learn shit...go to Hood. If you wanna screw off...Whistler's your best bet.
Only in America can a black kid by the name of Michael Jackson, born into Indiana poverty grow up to a rich white man.
Posts: 1694
Karma: 73
'legal usage of marijuana', what are you talking about? It think you got your facts bass ackwards.
Posts: 6561
Karma: 1,375
yea u can smoke it but u cant buy it or some shit
-jon, skiing the ice so the other half of the country doesnt have to.
-head honcho of ecvm
Posts: 2609
Karma: 11
You can definitely get busted for pot possession up there. It may be decriminalized, but its definitely not legal. If you go to Whistler bring a lot of money and a liver ready for abuse. And your skis
Posts: 375
Karma: 11
ya pots definately not legal in canada, yet
Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear. Or Doubt. Or Gravity. Stomp His Ass.
Posts: 9956
Karma: 18
drive up to whistler and poach tickets from other camers.
c_lo - 'Alright, Phrosty is a homo but I'm going to have to agree with him on the poser issue here.'
powskier1080 - 'All your signature sums up is how big a fuckup you are.'
googoo271 - 'Oh of course we get a post from our good ignorant assfuck, phrosty'
Oh, shit I spelt something wrong? Fuck you cocksucker!
Posts: 273
Karma: 10
wate until winter
John- God forgives,
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