few things, not that i like espn, but you dont know if that pic is the peak of his air and if you discount the hat, skis, and boots, he is probably about 6'4" or so. Also, he is uphill of the measurement. the pipe is downhill but those pillars are set on a horizontal. If you look closely, you can see that the snow level is higher on the measuring stick near him. Also, I believe the numbers refer to the line above them. It wouldn't make sense the other way around. So his height with gear on ranges from about 2.25 feet to 8.75 feet. If you take half a foot off for skis, hat, and boots you get 6ft. So, that measurement isnt unresonable. However you are correct, the pillar is buried two feet deep in snow. At most there is prolly 6-12 inches of extra snow there to anchor the pillar thing in, so it is skewed by about 1-1.5 feet I think. You can see that extra snow in the first pic in front of the navy banners.
So, your cameramen and people around are not 9 feet tall. The camerman in front of the chair is actually almost exactly 8 feet in that pic, and if he is over 6 feet tall, we are looking at a skewing of 1.5ish feet. The people are slightly less by the measurement if you look closely. Also, take into account the slope of the pipe for those people uphill of the pillar which causes huge skew factors.
Lastly, when measuring height, you need to be looking on a level. We are measuring in that pic downhill of the skiier and pillar. We are looking up at them, skewing it. If he is downhill of the pillar, then air is downsized and vice versa for uphill. We don't know where to measure from, but assuming we do measure from this pic, we get about 19 feet (taking one off for burying variable). And we dont know where in the trajectory of the jump he is. So he couldve been higher or not. PLus other skiiers too couldve gone higher. (SIMON)
There could be a mistake in there, but it seems logical to me.
^^this shows skiier height
^^^this shows pipe slope and how so little distance means a lot of height difference
^^^this shows the height of man and the snow against the pillar anchoring it and the slope of pipe