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Why you should wear a helmet...
Posts: 2408
Karma: 93
So, I was having a shitty day. Just one of those days... Luckily I had my trusty Bad Lt. I 270'd a flat-down rail at High Roller at Heavenly, and what do you know, I slipped out harder then I ever have and slammed my skull on the rail. That wasn't enough though, because I continued to hit my head on the rail one more time, then on some solid ice.
I was almost knocked out(above is my buddies recollection, I don't remember a thing), my helmet is dented pretty good... and I'm pretty sure if I wasn't wearing it, I'd be dead.
so.. wear a helmet.
Posts: 2171
Karma: 17
You're gonna need to get a new helmet then. I believe that helmets are made to be impacted once really and then they don't work as well. But definately good job on wearing it, I just recently got one, and the day I did buy it I wore it about 20 minutes before I cased a jump and fucked up my chin/tongue, but had I hit my head I would have been OK most likely.
Posts: 932
Karma: 14
guinea pigged a 50ft last season and went waaay to big and slid down the hill unconcious oun my face. Glad i had my helmet on, definetly get a new one.
Posts: 10182
Karma: 66
yeah i ski with so much confidence when wearing a helmet
Posts: 8198
Karma: 258
not wearing one is just stupid
Posts: 674
Karma: 16
Ya I just kinda used one for no real reason but just last week I landed backseat on a 30 ft table ane knocked myself out if I was not wearing my giro flint sc
Posts: 883
Karma: 10
i love my helmet i definately should get another one ive taken some bad falls in it this past weekend i hit this forty ft. booter at avila and it was kinda mushy day and the first time i hit it i spun a 3 and decks double ejected so the second time i hiked up higher hit it spun another three went OVER spun in and ejected on to my face and scorpioned once. i have a giro .9 mx so i only smashed my chin up i love the visor definately get a helmet with a visor if thats ur style
Posts: 10471
Karma: 2,182
yeah i only started wearing my helmet like a couple weeks ago, but i am way more confident with it on.
Posts: 21048
Karma: 5,062
helmets keep me a hell of a lot warmer than some stupid little hat
Posts: 2953
Karma: 230
i bought a helmet couple weeks ago and first time i went skiing with it, i got so much confidence and just couldnt stop progressing... so i ended up breaking my wrist.
Posts: 2408
Karma: 93
I just put a Red Sox cap under my helmet instead of a visor. I think it makes me ride better.
Posts: 7863
Karma: 22
haha, I feel more prone to getting heart when I wear a helmet.
Posts: 1611
Karma: 10
I havent had a helmet yet this year, i have no confidence to hit rails or anything this year. I need money for a new one.
Posts: 648
Karma: 10
yea i was just skiing yesterday and went to 3 a hit for the first time but i didnt know they made it smaller so i landed flat and my helmet flipped off and i got a concussion...it sucks
Posts: 1611
Karma: 10
Ive had a concussion skiing before, so i NEED a helmet to pull anything bigger than 15/20 footers, and ive fucked my knees, not acl wise, but the muscles are all fucked, and after any excercise they hurt likea bitch
Posts: 4155
Karma: -5
Exactly. I never used to and now there is no way in hell I'll ever ski without.
Posts: 2067
Karma: 14
i just fee better wit one, i ski mostly in the eastand just picture myself slipping out on ice and sliding sown a steep run and nailing my face on a tree, or nailing my head on a tree
Posts: 2408
Karma: 93
Posts: 2829
Karma: 44
because it will save your fucking life. Saved a friend of mine's w/o a doubt, slid into the woods on crusty snow and slammed headfirst into a tree...massive head trauma, coma, rehab 6 months, yada yada yada...but he's alive...
Posts: 3057
Karma: 185
yeah about 3 weeks ago i overrotated a switch 5 on a table, landed sideways and smacked my head on the ground and was very breifly knowcked out. i got a new helmet
Posts: 455
Karma: 54
Posts: 1249
Karma: 22
yeah my friend hit a big air last year...60 footer...went for a 5 or 7..not sure exactly whT HAPPNED...BUT HE FElllll hard...heltmet smahsed.l..acoma for about 2 months and he doenst walk right now...but is stil in all of his honor clases...and...he is alive..
stay alive...wear a helmet
Posts: 1282
Karma: 14
yes yes helmets are definately smart. before this year i always didnt see them necessary but a few weeks into the year i underrotated a 5 and blacked out and i probably wouldve had a major concussion had i not been wearing my helmet and that would not be good because i like my brain very much.
Posts: 386
Karma: 12
Most helmet companies are cool enough that if you wreck a helmet, you can get a new one for cheap if you send in your busted one. I bet Giro does that
Posts: 7819
Karma: 416
i fell over the weekend, pretty fuckin hard, wait it was a week ago today. but ill just i was knocked out for a few minutes, out cold, and the type of being knocked out where u pee ur pants cuz ur body functions stop....
but yea the helmet saved my life. if u dont beleive me, message me and ill show u pics of my giro that cracked all the way through, yet did its job abd kept me alive. if i didnt have it on, i migth have died or id be a vegggie now
Posts: 2452
Karma: 14
i never ski anywhere without my helmet, cause so much random stuff can happen at any time.
Posts: 1569
Karma: 13
yeah like getting clobbered by a beginner or a tbar-those fuckers hurt
Posts: 61
Karma: 10
thats me right there theres been a few times where if i wasen't wearing a helmet i'd be dead.
Posts: 7540
Karma: 59
yeh man helmets own for sure...my buddy cased on a tombstone (hip) and he smashed his head on the deck of the jump...he was wearing a helmet and he still got a concussion....for sure whenever i am in the park or trying new shit, i am def. wearing a helm.
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