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Be racist and homophobic! its trendy!
Posts: 3597
Karma: 114
honestly its getting fucking Ridiculous, it seems like all the kids at my school are just getting more and more racist and homophobic, and its not like im the PC police or anything but its getting out of hand. All i hear at my school is how this so and so is a gay faggot sandnigger and blah blah blah. and yeah i know they are joking but jesus crist after a while it get stupid. and reading this over it sounds like im completly pissed off, im not its just getting old.
yep thats my rant
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
Posts: 3083
Karma: 9,072
hahahahahaha. soooooooooooo true
Posts: 3150
Karma: 421
your gay, upload your new edit
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
It's just as bad on this site too.
Posts: 946
Karma: 16
Posts: 9947
Karma: 1,886
Posts: 438
Karma: 10
Being a faggot lover is also trendy
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
I'm going to blame it on our republican president. Accusing anybody who isn't white of being a terrorist definitely doesn't help maintain racial equality, and the anti gay marraige amendment didn't really show a whole lot of acceptance either.
Posts: 3836
Karma: 30
Gay is used in every other sentence in my school. Not many people are racist though, at least i dont think they are.
Posts: 3150
Karma: 421
i didnt realize what thread i was replying to, i just saw his post and posted that. no lie
Posts: 8871
Karma: 1,509
Prime example of the ingenious of Lil g.
Posts: 9671
Karma: 482
People that accuse other people of being gay are probably gay themselves. Eh gordian? Can I call you gordy? I bet your standing up right now cause it hurts to sit down cause of your date with todd last night. OWN3D.
Posts: 3023
Karma: 21
i was racist and anti-gay before it was cool!
Posts: 7803
Karma: 466
I was never cool with white kids saying Nigger. I realize I just said it.....but anyways its such a harsh word that any white person has no right to say. I never say it and I would never say it just because if a black dude ever heard it I would be a little crying pile of shit in a corner after he finished beating the piss outta me.
Posts: 18426
Karma: 4,889
"dont be a fucking jew about it" heard everyday at my school
Posts: 1919
Karma: 1,573
the fact that you accept that as the way it should be just shows how fucked up this country is. do you owe black people anything? they think they can just go around running their mouth and they have exclusive rights to being racist against whites but we arent even allowed to use a word and we should fear that they are in our vacinity if we let it slip. now im not a racist or a bigot, i dont hate black people to try and be cool but i think the whole minority attitude is played. yes terrible things happened to blacks in the past. yes a higher percentage of them are poor and yes the cops dont treat them fairly. however, its no ones fault but their own if they chose to not get an education and therefore live their life in poverty. 22 percent of crime is committed by african americans while they only make up 11% of the population. finally, when slavery was going on, i dont know about you but i was starving in ireland. you dont hear me complaining so give me my god damn fries and shut the fuck up.
Posts: 5166
Karma: 18
Posts: 643
Karma: 52
well its pretty gay when a white guy goes around trying to be some "gangsta" kid acting all core and ghetto.
put them in new york or LA they'd die in a day.
Posts: 1919
Karma: 1,573
true, but what if he grew up in the ghetto. or do black people have exclusive rights to ghettoness too?
Posts: 1667
Karma: 21
Posts: 9322
Karma: 76
being bisexual (emo) is also trendy
and rediculous
Posts: 2320
Karma: 27
are being biselual and emo now one in the same?
Posts: 9671
Karma: 482
U guys no whats up. I just love pissing of lil g. What the fuck is up with the whole "is it cause im black?" attitude. They're getting fucking affirmative action, which makes it easier for a fucking illegal mexican to get into school than white kids. And white people are cool with that. WHAT THE FUCK? next thing you know, we'll be saying,
"Is it because i'm white?"
Posts: 1569
Karma: 13
"man its gay how there are so many mexicans here"
my first thought when i arrived in california
Posts: 7121
Karma: 15
eh, we got the Noble prize award, I think like one black person has one that thing
Posts: 3482
Karma: 9
ha i pretty much posted the same thing in another thread, i forget what it was called. but yeah i agree with you.
i guess great minds think alike :P
Posts: 21097
Karma: 8,540
Yeah? Well i think YOU are "asgusting and unnatural"!
Posts: 473
Karma: 10
ya i agree with you bro. people that hate gays are usually insecure with their own sexuality. Now i know its fucking nastey if a gay guy were to hit on you ir something like that. THAT is fucked up. If they are not affecting you in anyway though there is no reason to hate.
Posts: 0
Karma: 13
yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa i agree.
Posts: 13156
Karma: 19,497
Yeah, I tired of hearing the words: Gay, homo, nigger...
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
Posts: 2092
Karma: 15
most city schools are not nearly as good as other schools, and most black people live in the city. so, no it's not their fault that they have to go to shitty schools, at least until college, where they don't have enough of an education to get the same chance most white kids do to get into good schools, that's what affirmative action is for. and it's absolutely white people's fault (by that i mean our ancestors) that so many blacks are in such a bad position because of slavery and segregation.
and also, you were not starving in ireland, your ancestors were, just like black people were not slaves, but their ancestors were. people are not nearly as racist towards irish as they have been towards black people in america.
Posts: 1919
Karma: 1,573
right my point was that i had nothing do with slavery; no one living right now did. however blacks feel that they have the right to pull the slavery card becuase of their ancestors. i will pull the "my family immigrated from ireland in the 1910s" to avoid their bullshit claims about slavery.
Posts: 1661
Karma: 10
Black people did have a problem, but for the most part its not completely over. Poverty is cyclical. Your are born into, and it is really fuckin hard to get out. because you have little, you have to scrounge by to live, which usually ends up fucking over someone else (stealing, killing, crime etc.) They live their lives like this, and if they cut the crime, they end up in a dead-end, low paying job. This is because of the lack of education. Many times kids have to drop school to work to help support their families. Sometimes they drop cause their lazy. But I go to a school where white is nearly the minority and I see a lot.
You cant simply put a sterotype on blacks, mexicans, australians whatever. It is not a problem of their skin color, its a problem of their environmental situation. That doesnt go to say that their choices dont matter, because they do. But generalizing and saying "blacks have no right to bitch because its their fault they cause crime" isnt correct.
Posts: 4729
Karma: 130
to qoute ted nugent "I think that if you feel homosexuality is wrong, it is not a phobia, it is an opinion."
Posts: 208
Karma: 10
im not racsist but i dont like fags
Posts: 190
Karma: 10
I dont think when people say "nigger" and "natzi"they arent really meaning to be racist, its just over time they have been subject to that as an insult. Its just like when people call things gay; they dont mean that the object they are calling gay is actually a homosexual. the rap music industry doesnt do much to prevent racism. we have this boatload of rappers rapping against racism, and yet every second word into the mic is nigga. But i think anti racism is now almost turniong into whining. Every single black comedian ive ever seen (bill cosby aside) has somewherein his routine purposly made racial profiling against nigros a joke. got o the ted nugent rant thread for more things like that.
Posts: 3842
Karma: 192
i nominate this thread for the gayest thread ever
Posts: 1040
Karma: 2,634
Way to keep it pc, i like it
Posts: 2192
Karma: 11
One of the most intelligent things siad in this thread.
I live in Utah, that's what mormon's do. They are all racist bastards.
Posts: 586
Karma: 7
jesus your all so single minded...I bet all the people talking about how prejudice minorities are don't realize how prejudice they are.
different cultures and different races only get along together after they have BEEN in contact or around each other for a long time in a harmoneous whatever the fuck you wanna call it way.
Sadly, thats not the case these days, so the gap remains, and not too many people are doing anything to change it.
and yes, on AVERAGE, black people in america do have it harder than white epople, plain and simple fact.
that's why I like canada, where we got all our prejudices out early when we denied access to fleeing jews from the hollocaust and neat stuff like that
Posts: 6853
Karma: 75
dude you fucking suck. And you're just really uneducated about african americans. I'm not going to blame it on you entirely, more our education systems. DONT FUCKING COMPARE LIVING IN IRELAND TO BEING A FUCKING SLAVE YOU DUMBASS. Do you realize what happens when you're culture is taken over and enslaved for a couple centuries? When you're randomly lynched for just being alive? Arguing black people have the same opportunies is a fucking joke. Black people weren't even written into the constitution at first, it clearly had that our country was founded for white people. Thomas Jefferson owned about 175 slaves. Fuckin our country was imperialized by killing and enslaving Indians.
Think of it like this. You're black and living during sayy.. 1910, okay the 14th amendment makes you free. YAYY! wait even up north you can't get a job. Maybe you can be a garbage man, possibly a janitor. WOW good career. So your kids are born with no fucking hope, and your living in the GHETTO with other black people struggling to survive. This all equates to family problems and violence. Thus you're grand parents are fucking poor, what are the chances your childen are going to have the same opportunities to strive and succeed???? Affirmitive action may cause reverse discrimination, but how do we make ammends for the past three hundred years of slavery?
Posts: 10281
Karma: 36
DON'T EVER, EVER, try to be intelligent again, get your skanky ass back in the bedroom
Posts: 7701
Karma: 535
what bedroom?...can i go.....or is it invite only?.....is there a dress code....how many people are allowed in it....is it even real?
Posts: 6853
Karma: 75
"These behavorial similarities arise from our biological similarity. Of our relatively few genetic differences, only 6 percent are differences among races. Only 8 percent are differences among groups within a race." (Myers 102)
Posts: 13156
Karma: 19,497
Behaviour does not come from genetics, it comes from social pressure. Everyone knows that.
And could you give me a full reference to the citation, I want to see in which context it had been said.
Posts: 18901
Karma: 75
I just hate the fact that my university is telling me that the black kid that lives down the hall with a place in hamptons that went to a private school somehow had less oppurtunities than I did.
Posts: 6853
Karma: 75
its like 50/50 genetics and environment. You're 50% right.
Posts: 1135
Karma: 10
live and let live and chill the fuck out
Posts: 6753
Karma: 68
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