Replying to Review: Seth Viscious
Ski: Seth Viscious
Length: 179
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135lbs
Ability: Advance-Expert. I'll get down anything in front of me, but maybe not in the smoothest way.
Area: Alta
Terrain/Snow: Mostly advanced terrain. Blady shoulder, East castle, Wildcat, and the High T. Mostly crud, groomed, hard bumps, and some wind buff. Hiked for some fresh in East Castle.
Crud: These things plow right through nasty shit at high speeds. If you try using finesse your going to get bounced around, so keep the speeds high and be on edge. Deffinately a fun ski in the crud.
Pow: These things never want to dive, but I'm sure my weight also had something to do with that. Slow, or high speeds these things float like a butterfly.
Cliffs: Soo solid on the landings. Only hucked off some smaller 10-25ft cliffs and the wide platform deffinately contributed to stomping the shit out of everything.
Bumps: Possibly the skis weakest point. Especially if the bumps are hard and not cut well. They take a big of energy to muscle around quickly. Be ready for sore legs at the end of the day if you doing a lot of bumps. You'll deffinately notice the increased width of this ski.
Groomed: Much, much better than I would ever expect. These things want to make long gs turns at mach speeds. Even short radius turns were manageable, and did not notice the larger waist on groomed runs. No chatter whatsoever.
Trees: The Viscious is sick in the trees. You can maneuver it quickly through tight spaces, and cruise through the trees at speeds with confidence. Tight trees+ hardsnow= tired legs. On hard snow this ski is a little bit of work, but still doable.
Stability at Speed: The Viscious begs to go faster. So stable at speed even though its a very soft ski.
I didnt take this ski in the park, as it was a demo, but it felt solid in the air and while riding switch.
Overall: This is a great one ski quiver, for resorts that get around 300 inches or more a year. It begs for speed, and whill perform at speed in any conditions. This ski pretty much does it all in every conditions and will suit most skiing styles.
Theres probably a lot I forgot, so if you have any questions just ask.
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