Am I the only one to feel that NS has been slacking off this year compared to last year as far as content goes... that is interview, contests and events coverage, front page news??
I dont mean there is none, but it seems to be only the minimum is done, and late...
Sites like or or always get the news out a lot before..or it gets out on the forum before..
Seriously..what is the point of getting the US open or X-games results 4 days after the event? Or lets take the SIA coverage... they say more to come..nothing was added neither concerning the open or the x-games or the sia since they put the 4 brands up that are in the topic yet...
Ethan Stone did a great job with the journalist network, may be they should get some inspiration from his work? Am I the only one to notice the lack of Instant news coverage? NS was always the first to come out with the news and seems to be the last one nowaday...