1st: Tanner Hall
Cork 5 far left handed safety (?), Rightside flair safety, Cork 9 (don't know what grab. tail?), Alley oop flatspin 540 japan air, 1080 ironcross
Good: A lot of travel, Maintained good amp throughout the whole run, didn't bother with straight airs (this is just subjective for me), Perfect spins, no hand drag, did one unnatural spin
Not so good: he went high, but not super high, didn't really do any "supergrabs", the run wasn't as progressive as the other two.
2nd: Laurent Favre
alley oop japan air, cork 5 crossed true nose, kicked out uncrossed mute (a lil' crossed at the end), cork 7 reverse true tail (who the fuck says blunt), fakie 5 mutegrab, fakie cork 9.
Good: really high and alot of travel on the first hit, Alot of really good grabs, skied fakie!, awesome and innovative spinns, really progressive
Not so good: flailed a little on the first hit (but whatever), lost amp thowards the end of the run, straight air with a half-stretched grab (once again subjective for me), didn't tweak that far on the fakie 5 mute.
3rd: Simon Dumont
cork 5 truckdriver, rightside cork 5 reverse mute, Cork 9 (don't know what grab), Alley oop flatspin (cork?) 5 safety, cork 1080.
Good: the most awesome air I've ever seen followed up by the most awesome unnatural spin I've ever seen, Gigantic amplitude throughout the whole run, impossible grabs, good spins
Not so good: