Replying to My X pipe rant
After watching the finals last night, I have come up with my podium finish.
1. Laurent Favre
2. Simon Dumont
3. Tanner Hall
4. Andreas Hatveit
5. Jon
Simon and Tanner had similar runs but Dumonts first hit killed tanners and he just charged that pipe. It was his third run that won second for me. While simon put his hand down on the landing of his 10 in the second run, he kept it together for the third. Both tanner and dumont though did not effectively use both walls. Some stock tricks thrown on the left wall left them up in second and third.
The judges should reward back to back spins. Back to Back nines and switch hits pretty much win the run in my mind. You can throw 20 feet out of the pipe, but if you are only using one wall, you aernt progressing. The fact that on tanners victory run he threw the exact same run as his winning run shows that he has no diversity and isnt progressing the sport. That last run is to exibit where the sport is going.
Hatveits nollie into the pipe and then switch first hit blew my mind.
Jon, three straight airs isnt gonna win it. His run was a podium run last year, but this year he didnt step it up.
You could say dumont and tanner showed diversity ,but when you are favouring al lthe hard tricks to one wall, its lame.
Next year its runs like favre and hatveit that will win no doubt. Dumont and Tanner are obsolete after this x-games.
...I hope.
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