Replying to today was a great day b/c the local video store had Blunt!
so today im in the video store with friends and im looking around and theres all these new surfing videos they put up. i was preatty happey about that and then i look up and they had the one and only BLUNT from jibtech productions. i talked to the owner about it and i gave him a list off the top of my head of good skiing movies and i got a free rental. so now my tiny ass local video store thats 1 hour away from any ski mountian and in New Jersey will have all these sick movies. i am one happy man.
.:: P A T ::.
{2002-2003 MCM}
New Jersey ~ Only The Strong Survive.
Phattim: I think youll find that its Australia where they fuck sheep. STOP FUCKING CALLING ME AUSTRALIAN!!!
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