My dad and I made a pvc rail.
(1)What we did was take a 2x4 and put two, two inch pvc pipes on it.
We used toggle bolts
(2)First we marked a line every foot and half.
(3)To get to the right spot we clamped the pvc pipes and just judged it. Two at every line.
(4)Then drilled a hole the size of the screw at every mark.
(5)After that we drilled a hole in the pvc pipe the size of the toggle bolt.
(6)We screwed in the bolt that came with the toggle bolt. On the opposite side we screwed on the the toggle bolt.
Now the hard part.
(7)You have to make sure the toggle bolt spring in to place and fit right in the tube or it wont work.
(8)Tighten down the screws only till you have to use pressure to tighten any more.
(9)At this point make SURE all the toggle but are sprang open.
(10)After that tighten everything down.
It all costed less then 30 dollars.