I was at wachusett on fri, and there were a couple of video cameras on tripods set up in the park, and some little cooler-like bags with little radar dish things on the outside, next to inruns. It turns out that these guys started a new thing called trixtar, and they give you a little tag/pass, and if you ski within 5 feet of the coolerbag thing then the camera will film you on the rail. Then if you go to the website, you can watch all your videos and i guess pay a little to download them in high quality if you want.
I think it's a pretty good idea, I prolly won't use it much because I usually film with friends, but its an easy way to check out how you looked on something without having to make someone film. I guess if it was set up on a good feature, then its an easy way to session and try and get a shot without dealing with filmers, although I'm not sure what the costs of dloads are. Anyways, what do you all think about it?