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To Jibbers and Park skiers...
Posts: 876
Karma: 10
This is how i see it. Freestyle is hitting huge kickers in the backcountry, park, and other places. You dont always have the weather or conditions to do this, so you go and hit rails, jibs, boxes...things that don't need the best conditions. But when you base most of your skiing on it? Thats almost straying from the real freestyle skiing. Its ok to do it, and incorperate it with your skiing, but im confused when i see a kid kill it on the jibs, but wont even hit the jumps.
Posts: 7038
Karma: 639
im pretty sure you just butchered the term freestyle
freestyle = do-whatever-the-fuck-you-wantstyle.
Posts: 3819
Karma: 79
Posts: 3489
Karma: 18
^ thats about how i would put it
Posts: 2628
Karma: 25
I also think he just pissed off anyone on the east coast.
Posts: 99
Karma: 10
yea it is just whatever u want to hit weater its bc booters or rail
thats what makes freeskiing
Posts: 355
Karma: 46
pointless, retarded thread. Thank you
Posts: 4380
Karma: 772
the real question is, why do you care?
Posts: 99
Karma: 10
what the hell, why would you post that then?
Posts: 876
Karma: 10
because i think skiing still has a chance because it becoming FUCKIN GAY if you havent took a good look, its mostly pussies, wangsters, and fuckin douche bags in the sport now.
Posts: 3057
Karma: 185
yeah thats true. but kids can do whatever they want
Posts: 7038
Karma: 639
this is common knowledge bro, you are not gunna change it by coming on NS and telling US about it cause guess what, 90% of this site are the pussies, wangsters, and douche bags that you dislike so much. so do what you want and we'll do what we want
Posts: 715
Karma: 12
Posts: 499
Karma: 8
ok im sorta sick of all these threads bashing park skiers and jibbers, first of all we should be able to ride whatever we want, hence the word freeski, i choose to ski backcountry and hit kickers the most cuz thats what im best at, but i think that rails can be just as fun and for me are much more of a challenge and that is what pushes my limits, so basically stop tellin people what to ski cuz they ski whatever they want and if it makes them happy then god damnit let em be happy
Posts: 7038
Karma: 639
i completely agree. i hate people who tell me i should ski something other than what im doing. how does it affect you if im not enough of a "soul" skier. or if i choose to session a rail. these soul-skiers are more close minded than any other person on the hill.
Posts: 941
Karma: 7
switch_9 ---> taking the "free" out of freestyle one genre at a time. jerk.
Posts: 2617
Karma: 23
and hats that have to do with hitting rails instead of jumps?
Posts: 9201
Karma: 135
ive got a better idea. who cares what people ski. just ski whatever you want even if that includes skiing in sumo arenas
Posts: 241
Karma: 10
^thats watsup and i love how there are pow days in ohio
Posts: 4871
Karma: 2,063
i really think it depends on your mountain, where you live and such...like my mountain has never had a good jump really until last year and this year....the rails they had setup were a lot better than the jumps...so everybody did rails....plus living in pa doesnt really give you the chance to hit a bc kicker...i would absolutely love to....
Posts: 7266
Karma: 128
Posts: 1013
Karma: 423
i agree freestyle is free, free to do what you want aslong as its different and your having fun
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
I think this was more directed toward the kids that are hitting rails regardless of what the scenario is. Earlier this year I was skiing chest-deep snow at Bridger and saw these three snowboarders hiking a 10 foot box ALL DAY. Those are the kind of kids that either deserve hatred for being total losers, or praise for staying out of the good snow.
Posts: 15084
Karma: 732
cause my jumps are fucking ice 70% of the time. I session them all day the 30% of the time when the landnings are decent
Posts: 5166
Karma: 18
dude who the fuck cares maybe they think hitting a box is more fun than skiing pow.. who gives a fuck. And to the maker of this thread i ski park 98% of the season because im on the east coast. I like hitting rails WAY more than jumps and im way better on rails. So im not a freeskier because i dont jump as much as i jib?
Posts: 2020
Karma: 13
ginNjuice is what we call a "post whore"
Posts: 5160
Karma: 185
skiing is about having fun, let people do whatever they want if its fun for them.
Posts: 719
Karma: 11
Fuck you fag youre not gonna change skiing by yourself on a website fucker go jack off
Posts: 1194
Karma: 11
pretty sure you are getting raped by everyone who reads this...fuck that and ski however the hell you want, maybe you hate jumps and wanna go rails only so be it.
Posts: 5898
Karma: 44
the kids in the park all day are terrible skiiers
Posts: 1696
Karma: 13
all the kids i ride with and myself ski park probably 90 percent of the time but our mountain has only 750 vert. There is nothing else to ride. Ive been skiing here since i was 4 and can ski everything carving switch any day, it just gets boring.
we have nothing else to do so we ride park, its the one place you can ALWAYS get better
Posts: 153
Karma: 21
freeskiing, is FREEskiing, meaning ski what at where you want, if killing jibs is ur thing then ur a freeskiier, if huckin is ur thing then ur a freeskiier, who cares what you do as long as ur not on a snowboard, racer, or skiblades.
Posts: 1013
Karma: 423
Posts: 640
Karma: 17
why does everyone have to hate on people for doing what they enjoy. Skiing isnt about being good its about having fun and if someone only likes rails then there is no need to shit on them, let them enjoy their rails, you enjoy your BC booters, no jiber should judge you for that either
Posts: 345
Karma: 10
^ exactly. love for the sport. if u didnt ski the way u want it wouldnt be fun. our sport allows u to do whatever. thats why everyday on skis u should have fun or else why r u doing it?
Posts: 2617
Karma: 23
yeah thats lame. at least go build a jump. unless the box was 30 feet tall and they were dropping into the snow, but i doubt that it was like that
Posts: 227
Karma: 10
Your a pussy, shut up and stop fucking crying because all of skiing isnt the exact way you would ideally like it. not everybody is you, so shut the hell up and just ski.. if you like park fine, if you prefer other stuff , fine.. fuck off, cause i sure as hell dont care, im not you.
Posts: 227
Karma: 10
god damn, fucking cry babies.. boohoo.. skiing is moving toward the park.. boohoo, im not good in the park so im sad and think park skiing is gay.. fucking go buy some tampons, nancy.
Posts: 175
Karma: 10
why dont we all just agree to disagree
Posts: 2468
Karma: 26
i tell ya, these threads are getting cornier by the minute. what happened to the newschoolers that i fell in love with?
Posts: 7768
Karma: 481
I dont even know what you're trying to say
Posts: 3414
Karma: 20
As long as none of you snowlerblade, what your doing is cool(even if it is nothing) becasue snowlerblading sucks, and only fags do it(like man on man butt sex)
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
it doesnt matter, if we couldnt do rails it would take the free out of freestyle
Posts: 648
Karma: 10
wow...well written..i feel that though..i like hitting jumps but i like rails and boxes just as much and would sometimes rather do them..guess im not a freeskier
Posts: 4729
Karma: 130
Posts: 8232
Karma: 3,311
yeah uh like sensay master has made some valid points in the past, but he has never said anything like this, this thread just doesnt make sense. if you dont have anything to type, dont move your fingers.
Posts: 540
Karma: 10
The real question is:
What is the proper term for a man raping a cat? Like is it felinophilia or speciesphilia? and is it rape just because its sex with another species? what if you love your cat a lot? I just ask because i have a...friend...who did this once and now he feels guilty...i think. i mean, that's what he told me. I don't even care, like I think its gross of course. But if this friend of mine were to do it again, would it be wrong? Cause it felt good...that's what he told me. so what do you think?
Posts: 7038
Karma: 639
and this affects you how? dont bother them theyre having fun...and ill bet you a kazillion dollars they dont care if you think they should go hit some pow. it just means more freshies for you dude. so go get em and leave everyone else alone
Posts: 7038
Karma: 639
wow ive never replied this much to a thread, how can you possibly say that? i ski probably 80-90% park. but i also happened to have gotten my CSIA (Canadian Ski Instructors Agency) Level 2. which means you HAVE to be a good skier. im not saying im the most technically perfect skier out there, but i assure you, i can ski everything, and do it quite well. so stop wiht your generalizations.
Posts: 869
Karma: 10
ski forur self not others
Posts: 1557
Karma: 61
I might be jumping to conclusions, but some of the people yelling at the guy who created this thread probably dislike people who ski without poles.
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