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The old backseat landing thing
Posts: 1317
Karma: 7
So i went on a trip this weekend to 7springs and they actually had a couple big (at least for PA, like 25 foot flats) kickers. ive hit tables this size before, but usually with more of a launch takeoff than a kicker; like by the end of the lip youre getting launched with alot more vert then distance. So some of my boarder friends went first and didnt even get close to clearing the flat, so i decided to go bigger and just not speed check. landing about 3/4 of the way down the landing on my back, i realized that i really suck and that i always land backseat on big shit. i try to lean forward as much as i can, but i feel like im gonna fall on my face when i do.
any hints on not landing backseat, yardsaleing, looking like a dueche skier with more balls then skill, etc. advice. that one time kinda psyched me out for the rest of the day on that kicker and i never allowed myself to get enough speed to clear the flat. i actually landed not backseat then, but thats just cause i landed on the flat, not the landing.
Posts: 6105
Karma: 248
just stay in an athletic stance with your shoulders over your hips, knees bent, hands not behind you
Posts: 2396
Karma: 73
" i actually landed not backseat then, but thats just cause i landed on the flat, not the landing. "
actually its because you popped correctly. just get more speed and do the same thing. leaning forward a little bit may also help
Posts: 6974
Karma: 78
come up to the jump with your hands straight out in front of you.
Posts: 2953
Karma: 230
bend your knees and you will automatically lean forward. well, atleats it happens to me all the time
Posts: 1431
Karma: 12
i feel like spinning a basic 3 gives me more control on bigger stuff than straight airs.
Posts: 1317
Karma: 7
well i mean, if im landing flat on the flat, then i would be landing backseat when youre landing on a 20-30 degree landing. i dont see your point, but ill try just looking like an idiot a couple times with my arms really far out in front a couple runs when i go back this weekend and hopefully ill get it down.
once i am actually able to land off the bigger stuff without knowing itll be backseat ill go for 3s and then step it up from there. by the way, when you spin off kickers, would it be better to throw down more on your spins, like right shoulder towards left knee, or just spin straight across?
Posts: 1350
Karma: 15
i feel the exact same way.
Posts: 13673
Karma: 3,087
Feel pressure between the tongues of your boots and you shins. This will put you forward off the takeoff.
When you are at 180, look back up hill. If needed, have a friend stand above the jump and hold up one, two or no arms, and then you have to tell him how many after you land. This will keep you on a vertical axis, and you will not go slightly corked which will lead to being backseat. Being corked is fine, but you should learn to do a straight three before you do a corked three.
Also, throw a grab in front of your boots, such as critical, rocket, truckdriver, mute, etc. This will place one of your hands forward in the air, and making it that much easier to land forward.
Last of all, when you come around at 360 and see your landing, reach out with your hands toward the landing with your hands up. This will put you forward, and then all the chicks will want your body.
Hope that helps.
Posts: 1188
Karma: 11
if you're cool, landing backseat becomes landing in manual and your ish will blow up
Posts: 5062
Karma: 424
if you don't think about it and let it happen your body corrects for that
Posts: 1144
Karma: 10
yeah dude im in the same boat as you. i keep landing in the back seat on big tables too and i have no clue whaat im doing wrong.
Posts: 205
Karma: 10
yea i feel that way too. Also for some reason switch landings are a lot more forgiving.
Posts: 7768
Karma: 481
on kickers you kinda need to rotate forward a bit. On normal jumps just keep presure on the front of your boot and when you're in the air, don't look down look ahead
Posts: 525
Karma: 32
some lips are made too steep and aren't meant to clear the landing... hit it off to the side further and further each time and check where you land each time
Posts: 0
Karma: 87
I think it helps to pop really hard and lean forward consistant with the transition. Looking down in the air will cause you to lean forward aswell. If you just roll off the kicker you will stay in the same position you left the jump (backseat), get agressive
Posts: 1928
Karma: 18
I dont know, because half the time when Im spinning Ill land like way back seat but other times I stick it and land it clean. If you pop and keep your hands and shoulders forward you should be ok, but idk, cause I land on my ass all squirrely alot
Posts: 15084
Karma: 732
i used to land backseat a lot last year. I dont anymore for some reason just a clean take off seems to work
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
prolly cause your not thinkin about it so much
Posts: 7238
Karma: 32
yea do a 3, much easier to control then a straight air
Posts: 11456
Karma: 634
matt hows your ass from over shooting the 65?
Posts: 1125
Karma: 93
Hands UP/knees bent is the biggest thing, most people just bring their hands barely in view because it 'feels weird' to have them straight up infront of you. Trust me, that is the biggest thing you can learn in racing, hands up and infront = driving forward = better position/balance.
Posts: 2391
Karma: 28
^do that and he should be fine
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