I have 2 problems with this binding, first is that the guy who owned the patents on the binding, did not work for line untill this year. He used to work for marker a long time ago, untill he eather quit or just got out of there. then he came up with this design and patented it. The he tried to sell it first to marker, then rossi/look, then salomon, and numorus others untill line finally went with it. Its nothing that jay himself drew up. No i have no problem with line making the binding, but if the binding is so revolutionary, so great, wouldnt you think that Marker would have bought the patents on it a while ago? I mean Marker holds somthing like 55% of the market share right now, and they would want to have the leading edge. so my onlyy problem is that, This binding was not good enough for Marker, Rossi/Look, Salomon and others, so ITS NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME.
Secondly, they origonaly said that this binding would be out no later then Nov 15. Which, shit can get back order and what not, i have no problem with that, but was dissapointed me was that all retailers only saw a portion of what they ordered cause line only make a select few, and i quote, 'to insure that if something goes wrong, we know where they all are.' Now, thats not the best thing to be saying when your trying to come out with a new binding.
Thats all for now, my advise, go with a Rossi/ look binding.