THE ISSUE: The Bush administration wants Google to turn over material from its databases to determine how often pornography shows up in online searches.
WHAT GOOGLE SAYS: It opposes releasing the information, saying it would violate users' privacy and reveal trade secrets.
WHAT'S AT STAKE: Privacy advocates are concerned that the vast amount of information Google and other search engines know about their users could be thrown open to anyone with a court order.
Im interested to hear poeples thoughts on this. I for one find it to be a horrible invasion of privacy. The Bush administration is going to far. If you or anyone you know has ever searched anything incriminating, marijuana cultivation for example, you are open (if the subpoena goes thru) to criminal investigation, with a court order. This subpeona is not only for google, it includes AOL, Yahoo, and Microsoft. Yahoo has already complied and AOL and Microsoft have not released information on weather they have or not. Again, this is a horrible invasion of privacy. The Bush administration needs to be disbanded, theyve been messing around long enough.