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I hereby declare that as your new official tag line.
I will be the new tag line inspector, when I hear something original and funny and inspiring that I have never heard before, you will be given official tag line privilages.
im soory but Chuck Norris is the most deadly person on the face of this earth...he will roundhouse kick you to the face at the speed of light and completly delete you from the time-space contimuim
I am a day student at a private school and we chill in an area designated "the day hole." One kid's mom, a french teacher, came in one day and said "you need ze decoration, like picture of ze nekked wooman on ze locker." at which we all laughed hysterically. She then continued " no no no you did not get ze idea from moi. maybe just put picture of ze RAMBO." shes fucking hillarious. once someone said oh snap, which she interpreted as Mrs. Rogers is a bitch, so she said "yes i am a snappy lady, Mrs. Rogers the Snapper, yes. Well snap this." and she pushed him into a snow bank. real relevant to the thread i know.