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skier27idk..i cant really see much more progression outside of 5 years... i have no idea, maybe double corks and double flips onto rails, smooth switch 1800's over 200ft gaps, corks and flips onto urban rails, huge urban drops and urban gaps that people are throwing switch 10s off of.??
BigPurpleSkiSuitThis prediction wasn't too far off honestly.
BigPurpleSkiSuitThis prediction wasn't too far off honestly.
industry-insiderindoor ski centers in cities because of the huge impact on the economy, and skis so fat they look like snowboards.
pesjaskis that you can hit jumps with any way you want. of course since we will not have any edge to grip with everything will be flat and uber small so we wont die!
Ice-Is-Scaryi'm hoping this whole rail fad goes away and people stop dressing like idiots
BigPurpleSkiSuitThis prediction wasn't too far off honestly.
LebboNo more skiing down here if global warming happens, everyone seems to be investing in ski mountains and developing them but then if this gloabl warming thing is for real then it seems a bit strange...
c0wb0yProbably won’t be skiing much in Australia in 20 years time.
CrunnchyVanManIf we switch over to renewable energy for powering our houses and industries (don't worry you can still drive big truk), skiing will still be around, and its gonna be fucking sick, skis will probably be made from anti matter and you'll be able to do anything
WisconsinDogfartthank god 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 i was worried libarals were going to take my truck.