yes it does. and yes it is.
there are many thoughts between sentences there, i just dont want to spend 30 min tryping what it takes me to say in 3 min. china wont invade canada. unless they have to to take over the states. Which may happen soon. Dude, look at the spectrum of time. IN the last 50 years, weve DOUBLED our population and in the last 20, we have jumped in leaps and bounds, china has super rocketed to the forefrunt of technology when they aquired hong Kong, in i believe it was 97. What do you think the Vietnaw war was about? You dont think japan is still bitter about having 2 nukes dropped on them? Yes. When china says go to was with them and join us, or go to was with them against us. They probably wont go after Russia, theyre still pretty dangerous. In 100 years, this will probably happen. Maybe a few times. you're a fool if you think weve seen the last of nukes. A FOOL.
you cant discredit my story, and im not trying to credit it.
entertain yourself any play with it. What happens when the US attacks the CHinese water supply, a fragile target (relativley.) the yangtzee river dam is a major target, and would be enough for china to expand inwards, and inwards, chasing the limited water in their country. They would go to war for a pieve of canada, and the US will take the rest. Euroupe, possibly france will claim Quebec, the states will claim Alberta, Canada will be divided, BC going to USA or Russia, OR China/Japan. Are you so foolish and blind that you dont think this will happen? That we have enough resources to sustain? now thats scary. YOu should know about it, its a battle for the world, and you need to realize that. weather borders are erased physically, or economically, erased in some book, becimg secret parts of a bigger power/country. South america has the resources, the Rainforest, which is a rich resource, also tragically valuable.
africa ... india and the middle east will probably battle over it, notice how America is fighting over there right now.
Halliburton got the control of the iraquis oil.
so you know what, why dont you just run with it instead of tryin to tell me im paranoid and radical, and entirely theoretical. EVERYONES IDEAS ARE THEORETICAL.
dont you get it