Ok, heres what you do. You get one of those big rare earth magnets... the really strong kind. And you open your computer up. Then you look for the harddrive, and put the magnet up to the harddrive. This sucks all the MP3's onto the magnet and they will stay there... Then, you go to the computer you are transferring to, open that one up, and put the magnet on top of that harddrive. Then start the computer up and let that harddrive spin, sucking up all the mp3's from the magnet... Its the perfect solution.
Oh yeah, and make sure to store the magnet on top of a monitor, or a very expensive TV. This helps it 'keep its magnetism'...
PPP... yes
'When you say 'I wrote a program that crashed Windows', people just stare at you blankly and say 'Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*'.' -- Linus Torvalds