What helmets are you wearing, and how is the fit with the wisdoms?
Please don't tell me to search. Here is what's up. I heard that the Giro G10 was a good fit with the wisdoms (with a helmet strap). So anyway, I bought the G10 today, but no shops around had any helmet straps. So I was kinda just trying it on with my goggles when I got home, and it seems like the goggles are gonna push the helmet up too high on my head. Either that or the helmet will push them down too far on my face. Will a helmet strap make them fit better as far as those 2 things are concerned? Straps should be in soon, but I only get 7 days that I can return the helmet and be able to get a full refund, after that it is store credit...
So please help me figure this out.