Hellow everyone...after a successfull rail jam last saturday, we are hosting another one this Friday.
The setup will be on the staircase, and if your a beginner the surrounding rails around it. To see the staircase Killyvtchic has an edit of the last rail jam. The add on to the staircase should be up with another c box on the other side of the Staircase and a flat down flat roller coaster like rail next to the new c box on the left side.
The entry fee is 20 dollars so that we can have a propor prize this time, and the winner either takes half of what the total of all the entry fees are, or it will be split up inbeetween top 2 or something. That is still to be decided. I forgot to ask what time the jam is starting, so anytime after your school ends you should get there, and I can clarify when it starts on thursday.