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Legally fuck the cops and make $??
Posts: 1001
Karma: 28
not saying this is amazing, or will make a buttload of money, but its a good idea to try.
Find a cop hidden somewhere with a speed trap set up. about 100 yards up (or wherever he cant see you) hold up a sign that says "SPEED TRAP UP AHEAD!"
then about 100 yards past the cop the other way, have a buddy hold up a sign that says "TIPS" and have a big bucket set up.
you might not get alot of people to stop and give tips actually but hell its worth a try huh?
Posts: 11499
Karma: 342
i really wouldnt be suprised if u could get some how fucked over for doing that.
Posts: 358
Karma: 11
yah cops definetly get pissed of if u flash oncoming vehicles, i did that once and there was an undercover cop car that saw it, the fucker said that he could give me a ticket for that shit,
Posts: 805
Karma: 10
Im doing it. I think thats so funny. GOOD IDEA BUDDY!!
Posts: 11075
Karma: 82,508
so many retards on this site
Posts: 2765
Karma: 27
cop prolly wouldnt get pissed because they'd havae to slow down to thow the change in anyway u just say ur tryin to help him if he tries to pull anything on you
Posts: 75
Karma: 17
no, your a retard. i think that is the most brilliant idea i have ever heard of. even if you dont make money it would be fun to do fro a while. haha thats great
Posts: 2215
Karma: 43
Posts: 699
Karma: 10
telling people to slow down is against the law... if so that old fuck i pass everyday on my street is breaking the law
Posts: 2083
Karma: 28
hahaha, i think someone beat you to the punch
Posts: 1001
Karma: 28
dude they tell you they can do alot of things, but in reality, they cant do half the shit they say they can. i'll check some laws but i'll bet its legal
Posts: 3482
Karma: 9
haha nice idea... i wouldnt give money though, i would just beep and give a nice wave
Posts: 876
Karma: 10
Posts: 876
Karma: 10
open ur eyes man, that is not what a lot of them are doing.
Posts: 431
Karma: 12
Posts: 724
Karma: 10
not only is that funy, but a good idea
Posts: 1211
Karma: 10
Posts: 921
Karma: 11
not in the UK. Someone got fined a few years back in the UK for holding up just such a sign.
Posts: 12019
Karma: 126
i would definitely leave you a tip man
Posts: 1781
Karma: 17
Am I the only here who just enjoys the view and the music and doesn't speed?
Posts: 1741
Karma: -2
ive got a better idea that we are doing this weekend. we are gonna go buy a bunch of big buckets or whatever, then make a bunch of good looking signs to put on them that say, "donate money to help kids get food and toys" or something like that. and were gonna do it everywhere. one bucket would be around 1000 bucks depending on the size.
and if we get in any trouble we can just say, were kids and we need money for toys.
Posts: 3482
Karma: 9
i try not to speed but i get listening to the music and i get caught up in it and dont realize how fast im going.. and i have a lead foot
Posts: 9458
Karma: 105
I saw some kids in Beverley Hills do this when I visited. I thought they were pretty clever because I saw like 3 cars pulled over giving them bills...people would pay too, because the 2$ is alot better than the couple hundred dollar fine for speeding is.
Posts: 203
Karma: 10
I going to try this it's going to be awesome and if they start coming towards you throw the sign in the bushes and say you where collecting money for the poor
Posts: 11075
Karma: 82,508
I seriously wish you get cancer.
Posts: 1741
Karma: -2
Posts: 1693
Karma: 20
Posts: 261
Karma: 7
thats a good idea if you dont get caught doing it
Posts: 204
Karma: 9
Its called " Obstructing Justice" you get a big fat ticket for it. My friend got one for flashing his lights.
Posts: 1153
Karma: 345
That'd be funny until an off-duty or undercover cop drove by...that sucks if it's really "interfering with police business" or whatever.
Posts: 3824
Karma: 90
have the tips guy at the nearest stop sign/light then ppl wouldnt be so lazy bout givin u money
Posts: 4221
Karma: 13
sick idea but im pretty sure its illegal if you collect $$ from it, but if you want to have fun and not make any money definitly try this
Posts: 594
Karma: 10
yea thats a good idea except for the payin part...
i dont think anyone in their right mind would stop in the middle of the road and run out and give you $$
theyd prolly just roll down the window and say thanks as they drove by...
nice try tho
Posts: 9229
Karma: 61
Posts: 6284
Karma: 49
make the first sign say speed trap ahead aswell as tips so they have a chance to get tips ready
Posts: 3323
Karma: 82
didnt somebody already do that...and made a thread about it
i think he just sat their with a sign saying their was a cop ahead so slow down
but in the thread the tips part was discused
Posts: 594
Karma: 10
yea someone else agrees wit me...
Posts: 3989
Karma: 23
Posts: 8407
Karma: 27
thats prolly not illegal. well maybe, or theyll nail u wit somethin elde.
Posts: 2419
Karma: 3,066
wow ha the when i read the title at first i was like whaa?
Posts: 3737
Karma: 33
my friend actually did that same thing, just all in one sign... like "speed trap ahead, tips appreciated." didnt get any tips, but a lot of happy drivers
Posts: 255
Karma: 10
Good idea? That is the stupidest effing thing I have ever heard. To anyone who thinks this is a good idea: are you even old enough to drive?
The charge is called: Obstruction of Justice
Look up Brian Dennis (part of Brothers of the Same Mind, a group of ex-felons) and how he was arrested for only the 1st part of your suggestion...no money involved.
Yeah, it's not illegal to interfere with a speed trap and make money while doing so... Idiot. Creative...but thank god for Darwin and survival of the fittest...my grandkids will be safe from the idiot offspring spawned from the likes of you.
Posts: 442
Karma: 9
i dont think anyone would want to stop
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