i have freaking on everything chemistry, here ya go
Elements are defined as a substance composed of one type of atoms having an identical number of protons in each nucleus. Even though all elements have the same number of protons, this does not mean a single element will have a definite structure.
Many elements have allotropes. An allotrope is when the same element takes on a different structure. Many people think that the only time an elements structure changes is when it changes phases, this is incorrect. An elements structure changes when it combines with more of itself. For example, when carbon combines with more carbon, it can form many different structures. A very common allotrope of carbon is graphite. It is formed when carbon elements bond with each other. Graphite is a very flat-like structure, therefore giving it its smooth slippery texture. The structure of the elements also leads to many other qualities of the allotrope such as how hard it is, smoothness, and even how much it will cost. Cost comes into play for the carbon allotrope Diamond. Diamond is a very hard and expensive allotrope. Its structure is carbon-to-carbon bonds that form a three-dimensional crystal shape. Diamond is formed in the earth when graphite is heated up to 1500 degrees Celsius at a very high pressure. One of the most important and new discoveries of allotropes has been with the carbon allotrope fullerene. Fullerene is a tremendously strong and light form of carbon. Dr. Curl and Dr. Kroto accidentally discovered it in 1996 while studying materials in space. They went on to receive the Nobel Prize for this discovery. A little while later, scientists started to theorize that fullerene could be used to filter out harmful chemicals in the air. Fullerene is also being used in treatment for HIV and even Parkinson’s disease.
Another element that has many allotropes is oxygen. Oxygen is normally found as a gas, but can also be seen as a slightly blue liquid. Oxygen is high in the reaction series, and bonds with almost every other element. Oxygen has two main allotropes. The most common oxygen allotrope is O2. This allotrope is the air we breathe. Its structure is two oxygen elements joined together by a covalent double bond. This structure makes it very easy to bond with,, therefore it is part of most chemical compounds. The other allotrope of oxygen is ozone or O3. Ozone is present 30-80 kilometers above the earth making up the ozone layer. Its structural formula is a triangular shape, with two double bonded oxygen elements and a separate oxygen attached to that.
One final element with allotropes is phosphorus. The most dangerous form of phosphorus is the White allotrope. The white form can ignite if it comes in contact with air, and is also very poisonous. Its structural formula is a three-dimensional triangular shape. Since it is so highly dangerous, it usually is only used for making explosives and smoke screens. The second phosphorus allotrope is the red allotrope. To form red phosphorus, white phosphorus is left out in the sun. The structure of it is a chain of triangular shaped phosphorus groups. It is used in matches, and also smoke bombs. The final type of phosphorus alltropes is black phosphorus. Black phosphorus is not very dangerous, and doesn’t ignite unless heated significantly.
Allotropes are very significant in today’s society. If allotropes were not discovered, many things that we take for granted would not be around. Many aspects of life would be different. A huge change would be the production of graphite in pencils. Without the graphite allotrope, there would be nothing that would be as smooth, as clear, and as safe to use as graphite.
Another thing that would be totally different would be jewelry. Diamonds are a very essential element in jewelry today. It is very strong and very beautiful.
Without allotropes, the world would be a totally different place.