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Why must we make skiing move in the wrong direction?
Posts: 435
Karma: 23
open up your eyes fella's look at where skiings going and how it has the potential to be so lame. I recomend watching the continuum or any early ski movie and then watching like dub-ski or x or war or tbc, and compare the soul aspects of the movies. Where did this whole rockstar mentallity come from? We're not rappers or mainstream professional athletes, were skiiers goddamnit. The baggy clothes, the "steeze", the fashion, its all about the image.......
What the fuck?
What ever happened to not worrying about what you looked like and what gear you have, because when the day's over so many people from all different walks of life shared the same snow you just had.
There is no way for me to change your minds but i talked to my ski coach today who could be a professional skiier if he wanted to but he is so bummed on the coprateness of skiing and how its changed so much for the worst that he chooses to ski for himself. Now you should all ask yourselves, is being a rockstar and "living the dream" really what you think it would be?
just remember i dont give a fuck if any one agrees or not, and in the end we all just ski....
Posts: 8609
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i agree with this completely fight the power.
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
hmmm well this "direction" were going is getting us a lot more attention and credit soo whats the problem? what would you suggest to make skiing progress in a better direction
Posts: 61836
Karma: 125,514
Haha sensay master, fuck you.
Posts: 7845
Karma: 93
I agree with you in some ways, but like you said, people can dress how they want, wear what they want, and they do. I find comments like this hyprocritical. But I do agree with you in some ways don't get me wrong, I personnanly do not have new skis, jackets, pants etc. every year. But whatever. People who do have money, and they can use it how they want.
Posts: 3819
Karma: 79
Posts: 1581
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people that get sponsered are just trying to make money or at least save money by gettin free shit...ok so they may be takin it a bit far with the thug look and all that but you cant be mad at ppl for being able to actually ski park and backcountry and such and get free gear and $$ for doin it
Posts: 435
Karma: 23
why do we want that?
means more lines, less freshies, more mainstream media hype (it would be like mtv having and underground rap show)
the alternative i have to this negative progression is acquiring more soul. seriously go watch the continuum and tell me that movie doesnt have fuckin soul. thas what skiing is man, its all about the fuckin soul, thats our solution but if ya ask me, sould started to fade out about 3 years ago.
Posts: 5166
Karma: 18
dude .. the baggy pants and style is newschool style just like racers have there own style its how we differ our selfs from racers mogulists and just leisure skiers.. its who we are were not trying to be little gangsters. dont get my wrong some people are but there are more people that dress like that cuz thats who Newschoolers dress not because they wanna be black
Posts: 435
Karma: 23
oh im not mad at people for that, but i do believe the idea of famedome and sponsorship destroys a skiiers soul. what about the guys out ripping all the time who arent getting free gear but deserve it more than any one else. Theres all these companys comin out now who claim to be "by the riders for the riders" but that is the biggest crock of shit out there. When a company comes out that produces product for guys who rip and dont give a shit about being a rock star then i will start to believe that coprateness is fading.
Posts: 4349
Karma: 17
Well, I know that I don't ski for other people, I do it for myself. It's a fun sport, gets me exercising, fresh air, great way to make new friends and shit.
Don't let the "state" of skiing affect you, so long as you love it for what it is to you.
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
baggy pants to me don't = the whole thug thing.
baggy pants just look steezy in videos and are way more comfortable
Posts: 435
Karma: 23
no man, if anything is the newschool style its the twin tip. I know many racers at my mountain who have baggy ass shit that they sport when they are not racing. Its a style created by the rockstar image. its a style mimicked by many who dont even know why they are sporting it other than "its cool".
I see planly of gapers out there who have baggy ass camo hunting suits on so does that mean they rock newschool style?
If we are defined by anything its the twin tip skis we all ski on, but thas it. We are no different than the tele ski bumb who's had treds for about 20 years. We still ski the same hexagonal shaped flakes of snow that your bro brah and my bro brah ski
Posts: 1317
Karma: 7
Okay, the fact of the matter here is that youve made a good point, but have no solution. i cant point out a thousand things wrong with this world without having any answers, and what worth does that have, thats right, it dont mean shit.
so what if skiings getting more popular, big fucking deal. and to be honest, i think the souls still there. im from maryland and do most of my riding in PA (liberty/roundtop/whitetail/7springs bitches where ya at) and you cant say that when you see another skiier in the park you dont feel better about it, like youre a part of something bigger and better.
and when youre riding in the park, you know you can talk to other skiiers about shit and its automatically cool and its like youre automatically friends just cause of what youre doing and what youre representing.
so yeah, souls "dying" but its not dead. its still there, living strong. next time you wanna whine about how "soul is dying", just slit your wrists. (and yes i realize that my eloquent essay suddenly became very violent at the end, dont write me a fucking message about it)
Posts: 246
Karma: 98
this so called direction is what has saved skiing. kids now see it as an extreme sport and are not learning to snowboard but instead how to ski. yes the baggy pants are rediculous but whatever floats peoples boats.
i respect your outlook though, theres not many deep minded people in this world anymore. maybe because we all smoke are self retard
Posts: 2171
Karma: 214
I just wear what I think looks good and most importantly for me, what feels most comfortable. I think you might be takin this, " skiing soul is dyin" thing a bit far, skiing with no poles is responsable for that.
Posts: 8232
Karma: 3,311
i personally am pretty glad that skiing is taking off the way that it has. if you think it is bad now wait a few years after it really picks up.
i know what you are saying but if you look at skiers like tanner hall, jon olson, pep fujas, they deserve every oz of respect they get and what they have started can not be stopped now, new generations are coming every year... kids like Cor v, sammy C are already being looked up to and they are teenagers.
i tihnk thats pretty cool myself.
Posts: 6857
Karma: 25
it's true. i'm sick of the 'gangsta' movement that's sweeping our generation like a nasty STD. i always thought i'd be able to escape that crap on the slopes, but it's even reached there. honestly, pull up your pants, stand up straight, and just ski.
Posts: 3233
Karma: 18
its upsetting that its not like that anymore
Posts: 1981
Karma: 967
i agree with you for the most part,and some people do look like retards with the image, so i think it is cool that companies like level one doesnt have a gangsta image, with the exception of Liam Downey, but that doesnt matter because he is 6 foot 2 or something, and he goes to bates college, which, with my 3.4 GPA is a school i will never get into
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
Posts: 6753
Karma: 68
This is the direction skiing needs to go in order to appeal to a broader range of people. It's awfully difficult to convince a society to spend money on skiing, when it's purely the athletes doing it for themselves. If you want to be a pro skier and eat, you have to somewhat conform to what the public wants. I don't necessarily think the direction skiing is going in is a bad one, it's just different. Change will happen whether everyone supports it or not, people just have to be willing to change with it.
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
i still would like to see what Sensaymaster has to say to what he thinks we can do to make skiing go the direction he wants it to.
Posts: 3123
Karma: 231
i second that motion
shut your damn mouth hippie
Posts: 8232
Karma: 3,311
yeah the gangsta image is kinda played (haha) but i dont know about you but i listen to everything when im skiing and hip hop is definately huge on my playlist, and with forms of music, you get the styles as well
Posts: 181
Karma: 10
yo if i can get piad to ski i would do any thing. that my two sence
Posts: 2706
Karma: 12
what wrong with baggy shit. I personally think clothes made of hemp and dread lockes look bad. I get what your talking about. some high profile athletes try to seperate themselves from others by having their own image. Tanner owns the gangsta look. The reason you think skiing is going the wrong way is because every little park rat trys to be like tanner. no biggie. theres a million other skiers out there. seth, pollard, abma, pep, jp, anthony, all have other unique styles they just are not followed as closely as tanners. I personally think we have a really great selection of pro riders and all in all they are just there to ride and really show that they love the sport. we dont have any skiers out there just for profit. they all love skiing.
by the way, your coach sounds like a total dumbass. Fuck that fact that he thinks skiing is to corporate. If your coach loves living in a fucken trailer skiing on used equipment good for him. without these corporate sponsors. there would be no way you could make a living out of riding. Change is inevitable. Dont hate it, embrace it.
Posts: 2215
Karma: 43
wow this is the 1st meaningful thread that I have seen in ages
Posts: 8232
Karma: 3,311
baggy clothes are the way to go... you cant really argue w/ that
Posts: 2658
Karma: 20
kidding? theres like one of these every week, stop bitching
Posts: 666
Karma: 10
um nobody thinks there a rapper they just listen to it.
Posts: 6753
Karma: 68
well... mick d IS a rapper... so uh... yeah.
Posts: 6685
Karma: 511
Posts: 666
Karma: 10
ok he doesnt think he is a rapper, he IS a rapper
Posts: 3489
Karma: 18
Posts: 4737
Karma: 1,096
its the ski industry versus skiing and skiing is losing. i feel ya.
Posts: 1185
Karma: 13
i think you've got a good point. Whenever i see somebody else with twin tips in the park it makes me feel like we automatically are buds just because thats the way it used to be but now since so many kids ski park that friendship is sort of lost, like when i went skiing the other weekend these kids were being the biggest ass holes and trying to start shit with everybody on the hill, even me and my friends, i was like you guys are fucking idiots, were all out here trying to have fun, its not a competition. And who gives a fuck about getting exposure, sure it would bring money to the sport but i dont know too many people who are in it for the money, and if they are, they are not skiing for the right reasons at all.
Posts: 553
Karma: 10
the short answer to the title of this thread is:
it's quebec's fault.
Posts: 13156
Karma: 19,498
This is true...in a way.
Image is based on 2 factors:social aspect and business. Companies try to predict the new trend in society. Businesses make money that way. But, in order to sell, the product must "conforme" to society in which sadly, we have no control. So I can say that "we" are not going in a direction, change is based on society.
Producers also try to make a perfect product. In apparel, they make confortable, affordable skiwear. But to convince the consumer, they add style.
It is true that the mentality and the new direction of mentality just sucks. Its like a contest of who is more gangster that other and who is better than the other.Style should never be conformed, it should be diffrent and must conform to the eye. Style should never be imposed on anyone. The reason why freeriding became so populor in the first place is because rider can express themselves by their own style and not be critisied on everything. It was about having fun, breking rules and getting away with it.
Posts: 8232
Karma: 3,311
some one did need to say it tho...
Posts: 10471
Karma: 2,182
yeah.... let me ask you this sensaymaster...would you rather all park skiiers look like gapers?
Posts: 1358
Karma: 12
we're already going in the wrong direction by skiing backwards.
Posts: 6685
Karma: 511
this reminds me of ski movie 3. where someone, i dont remeber who has a segment where he gets denied sponsership and then he goes out and buys wanksta clothes...he was for salomon. i just cant remember who.
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
Posts: 6685
Karma: 511
haha yeah and then dorions like an elf hahah
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
i still don't understand this thread and what the "Right" direction is?
Posts: 13156
Karma: 19,498
Posts: 4935
Karma: 173
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Karma: 11
Posts: 15084
Karma: 732
im so fuckin sick of these posts
shut the fuck up no one cares. if you wear some butt tight jeans have fun i will wear what i want
Posts: 4737
Karma: 1,096
im pretty sick of kids telling people to shut up, if no one cares about someone actually saying something, think how little they must care about you... so spare us
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