Ok, so me and Evan (SCRATCH_900) left to go to the Big Air comp at Blue Hills today, and were gunna meet Billy (BillyGoteMan) and Antoine (Freeski6) there. We left at 10:30, so we could hit the jump a ton of times before the comp started at 2. Evan called ahead, and they said if you have a pass, which we thought was a seasons pass, it was 20 dollars to enter, wear a helmet, sign a waiver.
So we get there and see the jump, first of all it sucked. There were like 3 jumps, the 2 on the ends were so small, and the middle one was a huge step down, TO A FUCKING FLAT LANDING. There was no way you could do anything good on it. And it was all ice too.
So we find out that you can start to sign up at 11:30, and Billy and Antoine get there and we start talking to them. They told us that it was 50 dollars to enter, 30 for the USASAS or whatever pass, and 20 just to enter. So were like fuck that and just skied with them. So at like 12 these 2 other kids showed up with Fujatives and Invaders, and they were the only other skiers that entered, it was mostly all snowboarders who sucked.
So at like 1 we find out that there was a race that day too, so because of that, and the jump sucking ass, they just decided to take the cat and completely demolish the jump.
How fucking gay is that?