hmm lots of fun stuff happens at my school. lets see we got this $50,000 marquis thingy for the front of our school that has all the bulletins and cross going across it, all electronic and stuff, and it got lit on fire 2 weeks after we got it and the people didn't get caught even though everyone knows who did it.
We had a chemical spill last year in the chem lab and we were out of school for a week it was awesome, and only one person (my current chem teacher) got burned on the arm by the chemicals.
We have a new vice principal who dyes her hair blood red along with random shades of purple, red, orange, and brown. Our actual principle is paralyzed from the waste down and has these stick crutches he uses that attatch to his arm. One day he was going down the stairs and he slides down on his back (really cool looking cuz he can do it), but he asked someone to carry his sticks down and they ran off and hid them.
we have a spare girls bathroom in second hall that the janitors dont know like 50 people have a key to, and lets just say people moved 2 couches, 5 chairs, and a table in there its good shit bc none of the administrations knows we can get in, and it is not used so nobody ever checks it.
Our teachers went on strike this year, and the first day they went it wasnt an official strike, just a teacher skip day. we all got stuck in the gym, and they let the pregnant girls leave immediately but everyone else had to wait for like 2 hours till the buses came. one girls in my grade bitched out our prinicipal and made the front page of our local newspaper with the headline "Crestwood in a panic, kids seem to have more authority than the administration" and it was awesome she was the hero.
ONe of the seniors made a huge stink bomb out of eggs, vinegar, mlk, soy sauce, salt, and some other thi8ngs. he let it ferment in his backyard for like 2 months, and then spilled it EVERYWHERE the one day. it was terrible