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Whats the most messed up thing to ever happen at your school?
Posts: 1818
Karma: 14
i live in vermont so nothing exciting ever happens at my school. the worst thing that happened was when my vice principal got fired for having child porn on his computer. what about everyone else?
Posts: 4729
Karma: 130
our superintendant just got fired for sexual harassment, sending dirty emails, and porn
Posts: 2960
Karma: 15
alright, this didnt happen at school, persay, but to a kid at my school...
hes a pretty big druggie, and one time, he was driving with some friends and had several blotters of acid with him. gets pulled over, and freaks out thinking he might get searched. he then crouches the tabs of acid (he stuck them in is ass crack). the cop only wrote them a ticket, but what ended happening was he absorbed all of the acid from putting them in his ass crack. for the next couple days, he thought he was a glass of orange juice. and to be funny, one kid pushed him over, and the kid who was tripping thought he had died cause he had spilled out of the glass.
Posts: 99
Karma: 11
the kid I sat next to in study hall killed himself last year.
Posts: 16909
Karma: 4,681
my phisics teacher was just arrested for child porn. then their was the day when all the sprinklers in the spanish class rooms just started spraying people, best excuse I have ever had for not having a paper on time, (it got soaked, and the flashdrive it was on short circeted).
Posts: 4005
Karma: 38
Posts: 87
Karma: 10
lets see, it's a boarding school, so:
kid gets caught fucking his girlfriend at a teacher's house
teacher has affair with underage student (and he was married)
and 3 days ago there was a methanol explosion in teh chem lab, a bunch of kids got hurt and a few are still in serious condition in the burn unit
plus this fall they found the bodies of two dead kids (brother and sister, like 7 and 9 years old) in my town, their dad killed them, got arrested, never told them where he buried them and then killed himself in jail. A lady found them with her dogs
Posts: 87
Karma: 10
and he was married to another teacher at the school
Posts: 717
Karma: 104
alright, so during our Battle of the Bands, these kids snuck into our cafeeria and put a headless deer in the ceiling. So, it sat over the weekend and then we all come to school on monday. During lunch, someone notices blood dripping out of the ceiling. So, they had to cleanit all up and stuff and got us out of school ofr a few days. We now celebrate those days during a holiday known as "Deer Day"
Posts: 14949
Karma: 9,239
Ironically the only black kid in our high school got kicked out for stealing...we all thought it was some sort of racist joke or something at first but then they found obscene amounts of money in his pockets when they searched him
Posts: 383
Karma: 10
2 kids died in a car accident hit a dump truck that was 2 years ago last year a grl killed hung herself in her closet and this year 2 kids hit a tree drunk going 97 mph and died and one kid died because he thought there were not bullets in the gun and put it in his mouth and shot himself and there are drugs all over my school and alot of wiggers
Posts: 7201
Karma: 1,126
the whole "cool mom" incident that made national news that happened a year ago was at my school, and the assistant softball coach was fired for having sexual relations with the players, and tommorow my school will be on CNN in a piece on state of education in this country
Posts: 12485
Karma: 17
missed a month of school because a thermometer broke. a .5cm by 10cm piece of glass broke, and school was out for a month
Posts: 9322
Karma: 76
Posts: 473
Karma: 10
Once when i was on the bus with my buddies, my friend brought his airsoft gun on the bus and was shooting people. one bee bee shot off the rearview mirror and hit the bus driver in the head. he got suspened. and on that same bus ride two kids tried to smoke on the bus.
Posts: 401
Karma: 19
there was a big brawl at our ski the othe day 3 fights at once, it was wild
Posts: 384
Karma: 10
one skool a bunch of kids caught the janitor molesting a kid in the locker room. and shitloads of gang shit and kids fucking in bushes during lunch
next skool janitor got arrested for molesting his daughter.
damn janitors
and then at the last skool i went to (60 kids total. Winter Sports School Park City, Utah) one kid was failing every class and then came to skool super wasted and passed out and puked and pissed all over a couch (we threw it away) and then was escorted to the bathroom by the principal and he made a huge gash on his head from falling on the urinal
Posts: 934
Karma: 11
Shit in my physics class we broke a mercury thermometer and played with the mercury, that stuff is so cool. U put it on a pice of paper and move the paper and the mercury doesnt move. Or u could drop a weight on it and push a ll the little beads back together.
Posts: 779
Karma: 9
bomb threat on the bus like the 3rd day of skool.
this teacher named mr. carvallo touches all the girls and compliments them and stuff. he'll will personally pull a girls shirt up, or tell them they are looking hot today.
hes gross.
Posts: 1452
Karma: 28
Last year we have this asian mentally challenged girl who would finger herself in the bathroom durning lunch, and one time this asian mentally challenged guy was found in the girls bathroom with the asian girl having sex...
Posts: 779
Karma: 9
tis kid was taken in the middle of the day because the drug dogs found a weed jungle in his locker.
This kid that we all call wifebeater, cause he wears one everyday, whos a white trash kid who thinks hes black tried to fight junior, and the junior broke his nose...there was blood everywhere.
then when wifebeater came back my buddy got some people together to kick his ass...and ended up beating the hell out of his face, slamming a locker on his head and stuff.
wifebeater got arrested because of so many offenses
my buddy got suspended for like a week.
i think we got the better part of that deal.
Posts: 285
Karma: 10
wow ok that teacher is pretty messed up
Posts: 37
Karma: 10
last year at my highschool this special ed kid kept smearing poop all over the bathroom walls and library books. we almost had to close our school for ecoli. it was nasty.
and my middle school principle got fired for stealing this kids riddlin.
Posts: 228
Karma: 10
a girl overdosed on uppers and jumped the rent-a-cop with a nife trying to stab her
Posts: 13171
Karma: 19,616
I remember the time we pissed off our math teacher,we put eraser bits in his coffee, insulted him on his TI-80 calculator and wrote dumb stuff on the blackboard.
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
oh shit, i know another kid who was on acid and took too much and thought he was a glass of orange juice aswell. he sat on his counter in his kitched with a butcher knife and when his mom or anyone came close, he swung it at them because he thought they were gonna drink him. I know someone else who layed in their bathtub and wouldn't get up because they thought they were a carrot and thought they would be uprooted and die if they got up
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,003
Our Senior prank was a classic.
We took 5 chickens. Put tags on them: 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6. This way, when they caught all the other ones, they would be searching all over for number 4. Took them 5 hours to figure out that there was no 4 lol. In the meantime, while they looked for 4, we took a Narc Kart, which is kinda like a go kart thingy that the Narcs use, and we drove it into the pool. At the same time, 9 of us carved a giant penis into the grassy part of the hill accross the street from the school.
Nobody was caught. It was THAT perfectly executed.
However, the Sr. Class was very closely watched over for the rest of the year.
Posts: 1569
Karma: 13
a guy whos 3 years old got caught for drug smuggling & is now in jail in indonesia
2 kids died in seperate car accidents - both made the whole school stop & be all mopey and stuff. i felt guilty cos i personally knew one of the guys but was pretty much the only person in my year who didnt give a shit
one kid was just given shit like all year and then one year about 50 kids went to beat him up so he quit school then killed himself
there was a huge mele between our school & another school with like 500 people involved which meanteveryone was a hardass on us
one kid was a pothead & he got caught smoking at school so he got kicked out then he joined a cult & is now married to a 14 yearold
2 teachers had an affair so they were both fired, now theyre married to eachother
in primary school:
the playground collapsed & 1 kid got paralyzed
some nut just lost it & smashed up a classroom, but it was made of asbestos so they had to close the school.
Posts: 15084
Karma: 732
Posts: 1439
Karma: 15
grade school we wouold put ALL the paper towels in the urinals and siks then flush then/leave them running and the bathroom would get flooded, and we soulod take wet papertowels and throw them all over the school they would stick to cellings
Posts: 1569
Karma: 13
um yeah, that should say "3 uears older than me"
Posts: 8762
Karma: 12
Ahh, CEC, or cobequid educational center, my old high school.
some of the old folk remember my story about the chik that downed 2 litres of football player jizz.
people seem to die every year at my old high school, i dunno why, its only 1900 students and faculty
There was a pic going around on hotmail, a school teacher with glasses (looking like bubbles from trailer park boys, a little bit) having this bonner in front of his students(i bet you 1/2 the people on this site have seen that pic). Yes it was photoshopped, i knew the teacher, he left humiliated which is too bad because he was a really nice guy.
hmmm, what else...my old school was the biggest in atlantic canada so it had rich people and hicks from like an average 80km radius. Somebody was murdered recently, stabbed to death at a field party (i played soccer with the murderer). Another guy derailed a train a few years back who was going to my school, so that doesnt count. Its funny i lived in a low income part of halifax, one of the places africville people located to, spryfield, and we moved to get away from that shit. Man, the rural areas are fucked up beyond belief compared to low income housing, at least its closer to a ski hill.
Posts: 21048
Karma: 5,062
Posts: 1005
Karma: 10
some 3rd grader brought weed to school
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,003
I was high at school once. The teacher asked me to come to his desk. He asked me to give me whatever weed I had and he would make sure I wouldnt get caught.
I then started dealing weed to him on a regular basis lol.
Made some good money.
Then he was caught in the retarded kids portable with one of the hotter PE teachers having sex and hotboxing the place.
Pretty hilarious.
Posts: 1608
Karma: 13
lol haahahaha a friend of mines brother got expeled from school cause he was smoking pot wid his art teacher
Posts: 347
Karma: 11
one kid i know stabbed another with an exacto knife two years ago in 8th grade. there was a bomb threat last year, and they didn't even send us home from school. our administration sucks.
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
Posts: 320
Karma: 16
My school was super small, and combined K-12 the total population was 1200 maybe on the high end. lots of indians too, two separate tribes, one who made hella money off the casinos and one who had no money. then there was TONS of white trash.
A huge fight between white kids and indians, like 20 on either side, one kid got his nose broken with a padlock and the kid who broke his nose had to have reconstructive surgery, cuz he got his duckets wrecked.
my spanish teacher was on the rag, and in class like sat on a desk that a kid was already at and when she stood up, yeah, blood, on the desk. wow. i freaked out and was like "WTF" and she tried to play it off. I left class and got detention, but i shit on that bitches car hood.
Posts: 4636
Karma: 31
Posts: 1439
Karma: 15
haha actually its kinda funny
Posts: 384
Karma: 11
one kid brought a gun to school
Posts: 5522
Karma: 13
Posts: 1880
Karma: 368
last week a kid took a shit in another kids back pack he got arrested it was probally the best thing ever
Posts: 347
Karma: 11
yeah i thought of some more. Last year in woodworking this kid i know cut two of his fingertips off on his left hand.
some kid was in 8th grade and got busted with what i heard was a few ounces of weed. and another kid made a death threat to a kid and they called the cops. that and our school apparently has a drinking and drug "epidemic"
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
our headmaster worked at a school where 9 15 yearolds died in a snowstorm when they were backpacking, hes told us the story a few times
Posts: 480
Karma: 39
one of my friends, who's 15 has gotten this 14 year old girl pregnant. they found out today. if her parents sue him he will go to jail for a minimum of 2 years when he turns 16.. I think she is getting an abortion
Posts: 2171
Karma: 17
When I was in 5th grade a 6th grade teacher was videotaped (on a secret camera installed in his room) molesting a 6th grader. Joe Doherty was the molestor's name. The molested kid eventually grew up to be a hard-ass jock kid and one day when he was like a junior in HS he said something mean to a friend of mine and then my friend said, "Hey weren't you the kid who got fingered by Joe Do?" Then the kid pretty much ran away about to cry.
Posts: 2429
Karma: 9
We have a teacher named Mr. Doherty...I don't know his first name though...
Posts: 2171
Karma: 17
I don't think he's allowed to teach anymore, I live in PA and after he got found out here he went to West Virginia to teach but later got found out again or he just got canned and is not allowed to teach anymore.
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