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Whats the most messed up thing to ever happen at your school?
Posts: 1818
Karma: 14
i live in vermont so nothing exciting ever happens at my school. the worst thing that happened was when my vice principal got fired for having child porn on his computer. what about everyone else?
Posts: 6857
Karma: 25
heh yeah he was a little freshman piece of shit. he acted all gangsta and what not, baggy clothes, talked like he was such a punk. had the thing in his waist band and the cops went to nab him and he tried to fight. let's see how gangsta he is now when a big black guy named molly is giving him a nice booster shot in the ass.
Posts: 1119
Karma: 10
my school only has 150 kids, but some pretty wack shit still happens. there was a whole mess of coke and scales and a rolled up dollar bill in the boys bathroom and apparently it was a middle schooler. 2 years ago this girl who was 2 grades above me got raped and murdered at a concert down in albuquerque. this one dude started threatening to shoot up the school one time and had to write an apology letter to the entire school and every parent, he still goes there. this dog wandered in one day and took the fattest shit right in the middle of our assembly room, that was classic. these 2 slutty assed girls had a threesome with a dude in the back of the short bus. we found my old headmaster's pipe in his desk when i was in 7th grade way back, and he ended up resigning the next year and going to alcoholics anonymous. i upper tanked the bathroom one time. my retarded molestor chem teacher last year also inadvertently made chlorine gas one time and this chick almost passed out. and this one time, this gay guy named charlie dampf freaked out and ran around tagging weird shit on all the bulletin boards and started throwing trashcans at faculty and screaming all kinds of shit, so cops came and arrested him right on the sidewalk right in front of school, and he tried to resist arrest and headbutted the cop. some weeeeird shit.
Posts: 3710
Karma: 23
umm lets see nothin much. the power went out once. kids smoke in the bathrooms. vandilizism. some one at our school broke in the collage and stole stuff from the dorms
Posts: 6943
Karma: 14
you ride to school on a small bus, don't you?
Posts: 3414
Karma: 20
One time I watched a porno get made. people have died.
Posts: 203
Karma: 10
Ya back in like 7th grade a group of people were having a sex orge in the back of the bus, and someone got it on film
Posts: 2348
Karma: 112
haha we did the same thing with the master key we found in a storage closet door except we let loose 5,000 crickets we bought online.
Posts: 141
Karma: 24
*teacher had sex with students
*many bomb threats
*multiple fires
* gang fight with all windows in lobby smashed
* 17 kids arrested in one day for fighting
*3 of 17 were tazored
*kid shot in the head (survived)
much much more but those are some of the betters
Posts: 3414
Karma: 20
Posts: 122
Karma: 10
some kids who were like 10 years old piled leaves under a teachers car and then set fire to them to try and blow up the car. didnt work but crazy shit all the same
Posts: 5820
Karma: 10
Nothing too crazy a few fights (one on one, catfights, groups of people on one person)
Last year there was a bomb threat
I haveen't been at this school for long so I haven't seen alot of stuff go down
Posts: 13846
Karma: 651
this girl had to take a drug test and if she failed she was going to jail. so when she went to the bathroom tho piss in the cup, she decided to slit her wrists. the cops then came in and handcuffed her over he cuts and took her to jail. the funny thing is that she slit across, not up and down
Posts: 6176
Karma: 23
ummm we had a kid jump off the bridge and kill himself last semester
Posts: 3001
Karma: 375
most messed up would have to be a guy getting stabbed to death because he wouldnt let these thugs into his house party. the same group of guys tried to crash my party a few months later but the ones who had actually killed him were already in prison.
best story though was when a buddy of mine broke into the school over the weekend with his girlfriend. They went in through a window and were having sex in the auditorium but tripped a silent alarm. The school was surrounded by cops and they were both arrested while naked for breaking and entering.
Posts: 1603
Karma: 18
haha yeah didnt something else happen there the same year
Posts: 7238
Karma: 32
a couple years ago a kid brought a gun to school and shot some people, a study hall teacher got forcibly raped and gangbanged by 8 students, the principals car got put on the roof for a senior prank and then it got pushed off a week later, all the black kids in my school got arrested the same day for selling drugs (all 6 of them), and during our pep rally, 4 emo kids tried to kill themselves by jumping off the top row of bleachers head first...only 2 succedeed..
Posts: 1698
Karma: 9
One of the teachers at my old school is being charged because he left his computer on, and some girl tried to use it, and found an assload of pictures of girls (11,12, and 13 year olds) on his computer, that he had taken secretly somehow.
3 foodfights in one week last year. One was during a fire of sorts at one end of the school so everyone was in the caf. So the kids closed the doors and had a huge food fight. Garbage cans were flying :P
Some guy smashed all the toilets on the floor (picked them up and smashed em) and flooded the bathroom with shat water
Somekid a few years back threw a firebomb into the school during a weekend (or holiday) and burnt a whole classroom.
Last week of school a kid peeled off all the hubcabs from the teachers cars and made a giant pile on the soccer field.
Posts: 9632
Karma: 580
some kid last year bought a tazer and some kid offered to let him use it on him and he did and then passed out in the bathroom. and like a week ago some nigger brought in a co2 bb gun and it fell out of his pocket in lunch. 2 chicks told on him and he was arrested.
Posts: 1536
Karma: 13
it scares me that there is a "correct" way to slit your wrist and you know it and think its funny that someone else doesnt know that.
Posts: 76
Karma: 41
this is funny shit, one of the best threads on this whole site
Posts: 9322
Karma: 76
it is one hella good thread
Posts: 10281
Karma: 36
when I was in elementary, our vice principal supposedly molested some kids up in the attic...
and not much happens now except for the occasional bomb threat...as in someone says, there might be an explosion on friday
Posts: 1635
Karma: 11
almost nothing,
A 7th grader pulled a knife on himself and threatened to cut his head off for what seemed to be no reason. Cops came in and he left crying, not realizing the severety of what he did.
Posts: 9322
Karma: 76
My old schools principles name was Mrs. Boner
I think that explains everything
Posts: 7038
Karma: 639
a teacher had an affair with a student, theyd go back to her place at lunch and screw or whatever
at my middle school the girls PE teacher was suspended twice for masturbating in her car, but we have no other PE teachers so she was let back to work. she used to give all the girls lectures and try to show them how to masturbate. it was funny.
Posts: 3087
Karma: 11
thats devotion elementary for ya...
Posts: 3087
Karma: 11
Wow that is about the dumbest decision she could have made... She should have said she coudn't piss and got some clean piss from someone else later.
Posts: 3087
Karma: 11
A friend of mine lit a trash can on fire in one of the bathrooms and he's being charged with Arson.
This freshmen black kid got in a fight with this dumbass white guy... anyway it was in the cafeteria and the whole place looked like a david banner video... it was insane. People were everywhere. I was in the inner circle having a blast.
The funniest part was when the little cafeteria women had to break it up since the security that my school hires didn't show up on time... and now there is a cop car parked outside my school almost every day.
Posts: 1001
Karma: 28
well a teacher passed out and landed right on my friends foot so he started kicking her... and a girl shat on a guys dick while he was poundin her in the ass
Posts: 2429
Karma: 9
Posts: 6072
Karma: 18
A kid brought a gun to school in third grade...Uh, random drug busts, fights, bomb threats...not much else than that.
Posts: 3836
Karma: 30
people brought in drugs and guns in my elementary school, some teacher was fired cause she said "if i had a gun id go home and shoot all of you" and someone told, mercury spill like A-D-A-M said, a deer was let into our school and jumped off the balcony from the 2nd floor onto the 1st...animal control eventually came
Posts: 5117
Karma: 65
funniest thing so far. i can just imagine a little kid saying he was going to cut his head off and then starting to cry and wish he hadnt done it
Posts: 1919
Karma: 1,573
we've had the usual bomb threats and whatnot but this year after xc practice, this girl on the team was heading to her car and a guy who is like 200 lbs comes up behind her and grabs her, covers her mouth and drags her toward his van. somehow she got away and the guy took off but a teacher followed him and called the cops. the guy already had a rape charge against him. in his truck they found rope and a tarp.
then the other day some huge black kid who moved here from brooklyn was walking across the cafeteria and dropped a handgun bb gun. he got arrested and was taken out in handcuffs. dumb nig
Posts: 13785
Karma: 1,956
at my buddies college a kid was walking back drunk on the traintracks one night, and you guessed it, he got splatteredby a frieght train!
Posts: 7238
Karma: 32
one year a group of special ed students executed their teacher and stuffed her into the classroom refregirator.. dont kno how but they got away with it for almost a month
Posts: 1718
Karma: 11
a big buncha people chained a hallway closed so no one could get in or out and had a massive fight. like...probably 20 samoans goin at it. average weight...200lbs. at least. and then the 20 blacks goin at it. and the poor whiteys that got stuck fighting all of them. police came, chopped the door, broke that shit up.
some nigger kid sucker punches this girl in the cafeteria while were taking yearbook photos, all of us are on the upper area, so we cant get down to beat the fuck out of the cotton picker, so this teacher in a knee brace comes over and gets the kid in a headlock, stupid nigger gets out of it, kicks his brace, so his knee is sideways, and continues to punch and kick the girl. a police man that weights like 250 no joke and a neck the size of my thighs picks him up by his neck, throws him on the floor, puts his knee on his throat, and cuffs him. it was so sick. we were all cheering.
Posts: 2265
Karma: 26
some of you mother fuckers are lying out your cotdamn teeth.
Posts: 1698
Karma: 9
haha, I dunno if any of you guys are familiar was the ska band from Ajax, the Johnstones. Well, my friend knows them, and one of the band members was expelled for letting off a smoke bomb in the special ed department.
Posts: 1133
Karma: 21
getting locked inside the school hallways just after the tjernobyl nuclear powerplant accident. "luckily" the toxic clouds just floated away from Denmark and over the Swedish forrests...
Posts: 2041
Karma: 22
Okay, so at the homecoming dance this freshmen kid who plays football was grinding with another girl...and he blew his load. He ran out and poured coke on it so no one would smell it. Now the whole school, including all of the teachers know the story because one of his friends told everybody. His name now is The Homecummer.
Posts: 6671
Karma: 137
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
Suicide. happened 2 days ago
Posts: 4729
Karma: 130
Our superitendant just got put on adminstrative leave for sexual assult
Posts: 4916
Karma: 66
i hope to god your joking. thats why they have no place on this earth...
Posts: 1298
Karma: 10
HAHAHA wow, yeah nothing that werid ever happens at my school. somebody got kicked out for a possesion ticket but that about the worst unless im forgettign something
Posts: 7088
Karma: -19
Posts: 9322
Karma: 76
holy shit funniest by far
Posts: 640
Karma: 17
After a football game victory against our rivials at our school a shit ton of totaly tanked students rushed the field and the police garding the goal posts. I watched on tv as these drunk fools boosted people up onto the goal posts and managed to break it. They carryed it to a bar, which gave them $500 and a round of shots to everyone at the bar. It was fucking halirious, the kids were so wasted.
Posts: 1438
Karma: 47
HOLY SHIT hahahah that has to suck sooo bad..
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