Here are my answers to some questions and stuff that have come up in the last 2 pages:
It is more or less accepted, that the universe is expanding. Whether that means it's slowing down, or speeding up, who know, the point is that currently, regardless of the rate, it's expanding (measured by red-shift). What it is expanding into is unknown. however, there are alot of convincing arguments that suggest that the universe didn't actually require a big-bang to get to this point, which put the big-bang theory itself into question.
Our world (that we recognize in a day to day sense), has 4 dimensions. The 4th is time. In order to accurately measure something, we need a x,y,z and a 'when' Since nothing is static . Two or more coordinate sets (x,y,z,when) can be used to predict the future locations of objects (planets, quasars, ball rolling on the street, etc.)
About thought, in the absence of a linguistic model: I personally beleive that we would think faster, and more definitively. If we could decode the 'instinct' section of our minds, and re-program it with the knowledge of all history, I think we would then be able to begin to phase out language altogether. Yes, altogether, it wouldn't be an overnight thing, but something that would take thousands of years. I believe that our thought rate is elastically linked to our speech rate (with obvious exceptions). Sometimes it's faster, and sometimes it's slower. But all in all, when we think, we need to choose and place quantifying labels on your thoughts in order to represent them to others and ourselves. If a person didn't know the word for an apple, and had never seen one, never heard of one, they'd be confused, and wouldn't know what to do with it. But what if, over thousands of years, we were to remove certain quantifying labels on things, and replace them with some manner of instinctual comprehension.
Sure people say that a civilization without a method of communication that utilizes quantifiable vocabulary (speech, sign language, brail, whatever), would be teribly limited in it evolutionary progress, unable to 'learn' beyond a certain point. But I think that over the thousands of years it would take to acheive what I stated above, we'd develop a new form of communication, that could come in a variety of forms, chemical, biological, or even... telepathic. But I favor chemical.
Yeah, so that ran on.