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East has it's own language
Posts: 1278
Karma: 15
i rode up with this girl from NYC. She was pulling words like right on, rad, wicked and my favorite- wicked awesome. does everyone out east talk like that? If so i'm moving there
Posts: 1278
Karma: 15
Posts: 1131
Karma: 14
yeah man we easterners talk like that
Posts: 4221
Karma: 20
this chick i met in teh summer said pissah i forget what it meant though...i think like cool or something
Posts: 1278
Karma: 15
Posts: 420
Karma: 10
wicked is more of a mass. thing, we dont say that in NJ.
Posts: 1438
Karma: 47
not eveyone from the east talks liek that like iam from PA and NO ONE says wicked, but i met some kid from Mass. and he said like everyone there says it
Posts: 6753
Karma: 68
that's how i speak...and i live in bc...so uh, no, I think that's more of a chosen way to speak, as opposed to a cultural thing...
Posts: 12485
Karma: 17
Posts: 8192
Karma: 10
i say wicked all the time. actually i just used it a minute ago haha.. and yeah we all talk like that
Posts: 7866
Karma: 299
you mean wicked pissaaaah right?
Posts: 4221
Karma: 20
Posts: 6672
Karma: 19
i sometimes talk like that its just however i feel like talking on that day
Posts: 3233
Karma: 18
ive lived in nyc all of my life and ive never heard any native say wicked. Rad sometimes but thats it.
Posts: 3323
Karma: 13
it seemed that a lot of people where i live used "wicked" back in Elementary... a new thing i'm hearing is "solid" , e: Man that burger was solid. orrr that Nollie Noseblunt was solid.
Posts: 734
Karma: 10
wicked is such a mass word, i use it so much, never heard neone out of mass use it and its pretty well known that we r like the only ones that use it
Posts: 61841
Karma: 125,567
here in montana we say words like "ill-gnar, sicktastic, and ill-gnarstastic sick."
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
Wicked is from boston. Philly doesnt speak like that.
Posts: 734
Karma: 10
but the pats beat the eagles in the super bowl so boston wins
Posts: 1278
Karma: 15
solid is used all the time. Shaky is also a good one
Posts: 6592
Karma: 14
my dad says stoked...and my mom is starting to...
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
well then brusky had a stroke so they lose
Posts: 14693
Karma: 786
im from boston and i say wicked alot
Posts: 3161
Karma: 24
is that weird? that is normal talk around here
Posts: 6753
Karma: 68
haha, that's the raddest adjective ever.
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
Posts: 734
Karma: 10
but he came back and philly sucked a massive hairy cock this year and were nowhere near the playoffs
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
hence forth i will call him tooth brush
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
we decided to take a break from ass kicking this year
Posts: 3353
Karma: 126
adam sandler popularized wicked awesome but it's a new england thing i believe. sometimes i say it to be different but I usually get weird stares...
Posts: 1438
Karma: 47
Posts: 4979
Karma: 10,708
"yeah, shes old. but she still runs wicked pissah" some guy at an MX track, we didnt stop laughing for about 10 minutes
Posts: 320
Karma: 8
yea, usually wicked with anyother word afetr it like sweet, aesome or something
Posts: 8232
Karma: 3,311
now you know how wicked dope we are, DO not fuck wit us.
Posts: 14949
Karma: 9,239
yeah its a new england thing, but then again my roomate is from rhode island and they have a completely different slang their than we do in vt (they say souped, meaning stoked or psyched). And then I go to school in boston and then its just a potpourri of all of em.
Posts: 359
Karma: 10
East Coast of Canada we say Deadly
Posts: 15084
Karma: 732
^thats what some german kid says at my school alot
i think 'rad' is more west coast than east I heard it so much at mt hood
Posts: 1919
Karma: 1,573
in new york we say rediculous and solid a lot. i know some people from the midwest who say tight and straight all the time. i think im gonna integreate that "out east" (or as we say "out west" and "back east")
Posts: 1320
Karma: 13
Yea minnesota is all about being 'tight' and if your real fucked up and someone asks you if your ok, you always gotts say, 'Yea im straight'
Posts: 6857
Karma: 25
i bet if you look at a bunch of my posts a bunch of them say "wicked-", i use it way too much, but then again i've lived in NH all my life.
Posts: 3836
Karma: 30
wicked? more like mad.
mad cool yo.
Posts: 4935
Karma: 173
you dont even know, i think all white people need to take a trip to taos, its great, sometimes i wish i was hispanic, so i could make fun of the white people it seem so funny
Posts: 3517
Karma: 36
i say rad all the time, and sick, nasty, sicknasty, ill, anything like that
Posts: 9248
Karma: 27
wicked sick, crazy monkey
Posts: 2265
Karma: 26
my friends that still live in new jersey, say YO, and MAD, like "yo this kid was madd good son" but i moved to vegas then utah, so i have lost all accent and talk like a ma fuckin utah'n now.
Posts: 6574
Karma: 81
Posts: 1626
Karma: 19
i use wicked constantly... i picked it up from a kid from England (not new) but the word is more popular in Mass. Yes the east has a load of its own expressions, and yes the eagles do suck (this season)
Posts: 279
Karma: 10
yeah i say wicked all the time. my west coast friends tend to make fun of me all the time.
Posts: 7854
Karma: 89
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
hahahaha. e heath only you would say something like this
Posts: 2930
Karma: 31
All times are Eastern (-4)