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I am finally a beleiver, INVADERS BLOW
Posts: 4979
Karma: 10,708
Ok so i was 50 50 on all the people on this site talking crap about invaders, i was open minded and saw no proof of everything, although i wouldnt go but a pair because of the bad rep. but now i have proof, 2 cases, both happening within 6 days of coming out on the snow. Today i saw my freind PJ bouregard at lahoots ski shop. buying new skis and sending his invaders back to line. The guy we gave them to said he would send them in, and that these were not even close to the first pair of invaders sent back through his shop. The edges in both skis were coming out at the tips, by themselves. not rail damage.This is after 5 or 6 days on the snow. My freind kyle keating has the same exact thing happening to his invaders. This after 3 days on snow. 3 DAYS.
So i am decided on this topic. invaders suck. If you think im lying send these guys messages, there not on much but they have names, kyl3k and *freeskierpj*
Posts: 8556
Karma: 1,020
mine r holding up fine knock on wood..like 10 days of skiing if not more.
Posts: 3023
Karma: 21
same but 20 days of pure park for me
Posts: 6447
Karma: 106
i hate these threads more than the park ranger hates yogi the bear
Posts: 323
Karma: 10
mine came apart the first day. :( getting new ones though. lets hope those dont break. line rocks for replacing them, unfortunate they got screwed in faulty labor.
Posts: 3157
Karma: 22
Yea, how about you dont ski all-mountian. It seems that the people who just keep it calm and go down the hill are the ones who break. And others like me beat the crap outa em in the park and rails and whatnot and they hold up fine. Take your choice. lol.
Posts: 4979
Karma: 10,708
thses kids both ski mainly park, when i said not rail damage i meant they didnt jam there tips in a rail or somthing
Posts: 4905
Karma: 32
Posts: 1852
Karma: 45
don't ski all mountain ^^^ that is the best advice, I want skis that you have to walk to the park with.
Having to worry about your skis breaking is the worst thing possible. Like the kids who take their skis off in the lift line to look at them or cannot hike the park without undergoing a full anal inspection of their edges and bases first. But at least you get to rep a "CORE" brand and act cool - def. worth it.
Posts: 1758
Karma: 82
GET PICTURES!! i dont realy care if u say that stuff kus half the people make fake threads cough*smithix(or something)*cough
Posts: 1758
Karma: 82
nvm smithxi is in the clear i saw his thread thing
Posts: 1568
Karma: 19
alright, i agree, they might be a little less durable then alot of twins out there.....but think about it - think of how many people have a pair of invaders. now think of how many people are breaking theirs compared with how many people arent. i think its all proportional, considering the invader is probly one of if not the most widely used ski on this site.
Posts: 123
Karma: 10
first off you cant say invaders blow because something is going wrong in the factories.. i have a pair which did EXACTLY the same thing.. but they are still the best park specific out there.. and the people who are saying "oh well invaders are for park only" are noobs who have no clue what they are talking about. And line is still the best ski company out there
Posts: 2452
Karma: 14
would some1 plz post some pics? i'm not gonna believe much till i see pics.
Posts: 1852
Karma: 45
^^ how could you possibly say they are the best park specific ski out there. There is no way you have ridden every "park specific" ski. You are just as bad as those that dis the invaders who haven't ridden them either.
Line is good, Jason is great that is clear so let people say what they want.
They made an economy twin too economy.
They released sample skis to the public in large numbers - should have kept them locked down like the prophets.
They back up there shit and move on so will you.
Posts: 1771
Karma: 27
my god that is the best thing i've heard on ns for a while i give you mad props
Posts: 10166
Karma: 55
it must have just been one bad batch.
Posts: 5998
Karma: 3,684
you do realize they released the prophets when they released those early invaders for the summer. right? of course you do
Posts: 6562
Karma: 107
the asians making them probably hope the edge would pop up and slit our throats. i got it all figured oout. yep;.
Posts: 20
Karma: 10
Any edge can come out...But i have seen lines edge's come out alot.. Ive been riding lines ever since they came out with skis and i have had a few that came out on the tip and tail. Cant complain cuz basically free and the oldest pair i have now has no edges on either tip or and 1 missing on edge on tail. Just epoxyed the missin area and been rockin them everyday..
Posts: 2452
Karma: 14
someone post some fucking pictures already.
Posts: 2683
Karma: 12
my invaders are delaming after 6 days of skiing. 3 park 3 groomers.
Posts: 4979
Karma: 10,708
yeah, i dont have pictures but there are pictures on ns of an invader delaming at the tail. i geuss you have to trust me
Posts: 13846
Karma: 651
my invaders just delam'd after only 5 days of skiing. i will get pics soon
Posts: 1758
Karma: 82
unfortunatly i agree(with durability) but with skiing they rock.
Posts: 1758
Karma: 82
go to the misc in pictures to see mine after 3 days of groomers and some park, only a couple rails
Posts: 3278
Karma: 883
yea line sucks...skogens delammed 2 seasons ago, pollards almost two months to get me any sort of response on what they plan on doing. so yea, fuck line. they make gay bindings too.
Posts: 61
Karma: 10
theres a guy at my hill that snaped a pair.. right in the "butter zone".. i dont know how.. but our big jumps rnt up yet so it had to be something stupid...
Posts: 430
Karma: 10
ive had mine for maybe 10 rides. mostly groomer. the edge and base is coming away from the topsheet like 3 mm. not a problem. showed my dad and he told me he has truck hood epoxy that is super strong indrustrial grade that he can get on cue. one of the many advantages to owning a transport truck company.
Posts: 4120
Karma: 41
thats not even that bad...
Posts: 1758
Karma: 82
i was just showing the bubbles and then wat they become. like big ugly shits then otehr shits and tearing and crap
Posts: 1902
Karma: 11
take a ptex candle and just ptex down all the bad bubbly spots and make em look pretty again, but u should have bought fujas
Posts: 1536
Karma: 13
i know lahoots, its up near loon. nice shop. but im not up there enough
Posts: 8192
Karma: 10
and i skiied mine for the first time today and they are wicked fun, and its all ice and rocky and shit, and i dindt get one scratch
Posts: 18426
Karma: 4,894
Posts: 1536
Karma: 13
the next time someone ruins theirs TAKE A FUCKING PICTURE. there is so much crap about invaders, but no hard evidence. So lets clear it up for everyone and get photos of the damage
Posts: 3905
Karma: 206
anyone who thinks these skis suck (besides the whole falling apart issue) is full of crap. i've been on mine almost three weeks now. the tips are starting to seperate, so i duct taped them. it looks ghetto, but its keeping them from getting any worse. they actually ski really well all mountain too, as long as you realize you're on a center mounted ski and dont really load up the tips. ski with a balanced stance and they are so much fun.
Posts: 820
Karma: 11
i still like the invader never really had them though
Posts: 4979
Karma: 10,708
so you need to ski one certain way and limit what you do to have the ski stay together? they should have told people that before they released that crap
Posts: 5998
Karma: 3,684
you mena a balanced centered stance? why would you ever want to do that?
Posts: 430
Karma: 10
the center mount is more fun for groomer. carving switch is a breeze and nose butters are supper easy. ive heard people saying that the chonics base was more durable!!!!haha. its the same base
Posts: 2494
Karma: 10
yea. i am now a believer too, my friend (eatmydeath) got his yesterday and rode them for the first time today, he took 3 runs and they have started delaminating at the tail. you can peel it back a good 2 inches, honest.
Posts: 56
Karma: 10
Oy man they dont suck anymore im getting the new o7 o8 and im jacked they dont seem bad anymore so lets check it later
Posts: 3795
Karma: 273
damn kids bringin threads back hahaha
Posts: 3532
Karma: 921
alias. ^^^ you only need one more post for 2k
Posts: 3795
Karma: 273
Well here its is the big two hundred 0
Posts: 5756
Karma: 49
tha fuck is wit ppl bring back threads?
Posts: 11336
Karma: 4,642
Posts: 2322
Karma: 22
Posts: 5680
Karma: 246
my friend had them all season, pretty much only park and mostly rails. and he is hard on skis too and he didnt even have a cracked edge.
Posts: 2100
Karma: 23
they are the cheapest twin-tip in the market. I dont understand why people seem to think they can perform miracles... This doesn't mean Line sucks. Line is one of my favorite companies, and I'll always stand by them. They do great things for the sport, and yeah sometimes skis break, but they honor the warranty. It costs them money to replace them so I'm sure they dont make the skis breakable on purpose.
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