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The trick names FINAL thread
Posts: 1790
Karma: 13
ok heres the deal if you do a rotation its a 180 a 3 a 5 a 7 a 9 or 10 thats is and if its switch its a switch 1,3,5,7,9,10 say it however you want as in 7, 720, sev seven twent....whatever thats it....all you stupid fuckbags that think you have invented a trick like that faggot tat thought he invented a ROBIO no fucking way dont give yourself that much credit buddy your no where near inventing a rotation. The only new rotation in the past like 4 years has been (as muh as i hate it) the wilson flip but technically its still a 10 but he does like two flips(plain gay) but its still a new rotaion as he takes two axis'. one axis rotaions dont have names they are just a rotaion. Thats it anyone that thinks different should go strap on thier aggressive inlines and rollerblade off of a cliff.
Thanks for your time
Posts: 4979
Karma: 10,708
they are inventing a new axis.
Posts: 7768
Karma: 481
Im so fucking sick of these threads that im not even gonna read this one and correct you
Posts: 4979
Karma: 10,708
agreed. and someone will proboblly make the FINAL trick thread to. So lets all shut up, and agree with the dumbass Xgames comentators. i was joking about the x games comentators by the way
Posts: 1
Karma: 10
todd air=backflip and frontflip...AT THE SAME TIME! yeah WHAT!
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
This should be the last one because this guy has manged to outdo all the others and put an immense amount of stupidity into the first post, probably equivalent to all the other ones combined. Why don't we all just say it really doesn't matter what the trick is called, as long as you're doing it?
Posts: 2101
Karma: 10
how is a wilson flip gay?
Posts: 1772
Karma: 11
Posts: 1790
Karma: 13
its aerials....like i said anyone that doesnt agreed with me go get do a 1 footer on your rollerblades off of a cliff and make everyone that has an idea on where skiing is at happy..
Posts: 2553
Karma: 20
Posts: 401
Karma: 19
i call straight airs backside frontsides
Posts: 5670
Karma: 18
i heard the pros are working on a new rotation that actually rotates you through time.
Posts: 70
Karma: 10
Posts: 123
Karma: 10
i seem to be missing the point
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