Going into Afghanistan wasn’t a wrong move regardless of what happened in the 80s are you blaming bush for that as well?
If you reread what I wrote you'll notice I made no reference to Afghanistan being wrong nor did I blame Bush for corrupting the nation of Afghanistan. It was a side note. Good try, though.
As far as poverty and deficit BLAH BLAH BLAH, economies ride roller coasters and after the internet boom of the 90s we were bound to hit some sort of peak and go right down the other side...whether it was Bush or God himself as our president...Education has been shitty in the states don’t know why your bringing it up now (ooo because its BUSHs fault)
Sounds like something a middle or upper middle class person would say because they have no concern about the great deal of poor below them and are minimally effected by such shifts. Regardless, blowing a surplus as large as he had and ending up as far in the hole as he is is ridiculous no matter who the person is or what the circumstances. Lowering taxes while spending TENS of billions of dollars fighting an unjustified, poorly planned war, while deregulating business regulations further allowing American jobs to fly out the window and wealth concentration to become further lopsided--I guess it's not hard to see how one could fuck up this bad in light of the latter.
As far as his education programs go, the No Child Left Behind Act is a load of shit and yes, this was pushed forward in Texas, by Bush. Read the book "Bushwacked." Yes, it's sucked for a long time. That, however, has nothing to do with Bush and his administration's inability to remedy the problem, which they should, as should any party RULING THE FUCKING COUNTRY.
Yea Katrina was Bush’s fault too…can’t believe he made that hurricane hit Louisiana. .better yet he’s even mayor of New Orleans or Biloxi…or their governor don’t know why he didn’t prepare or evacuate those poor people!
Again, I did not blame Bush for Katrina, I blamed him for combining all the federal agencies under one giant umbrella, causing a lack of communication which in turn caused FEDERAL (i.e. NOT STATE) aide to be allocated slower than necessary. Here's some reading for you
Yes I don’t agree with the patriot act at all...but its better than sitting with our thumb in our ass...if your not sure go overboard and scale back like they are doing...personally I have no problem with profiling in airports...watching an 8 year old get stripped searched because she was the 642 person to pass through the gates isn’t safety.
Well, doing ANYTHING is better than doing nothing when responding to an emergency. So enacting legislation that seriously infringes on our civil liberties is ok because it's better than doing nothing? Bullshit. They could have done a wide variety of less severe and evasive protection measures.