Ok, here it goes. I'm replying in two posts as so I don't have to redo the whole thing if something goes wrong with the internet.
Crappy video quality to examine making his whole argument up for dismissal.CNN camera angle does show not show an explosion came before plane hit, and none of the angles show a missile being fired.
Look at from the governments point of view. Do you really think, knowing that every news camera video taping the attack, would be dumb enough to send out a military plane rather than just having an extra 747 fly into the towers?
The terrorist who flew into the pentagon had trouble flying the plane and landing it… had trouble landing it!? In what way does this prove anything? He was going to crash into something, he didn’t need to know how to land the plane! And flying it, well I guess that’s why he didn’t make it to his target but instead fell short to the pentagon… Or that he just had trouble flying a small airplane because the guy said in the video that he came to him to rent a small airplane with a commercial flying license already in hand showing that he could actually fly an airplane well enough to crash it into a building.
As for the plane bouncing off the lawn before hitting the pentagon, well that’s just a twist of words. The plane did hit the lawn right before it hit (as shown in the building’s security tape) but didn’t fully impact the lawn like in the airplane crash landing he showed for a poor example. Or better yet, that was just a false observation that was later disproved through the investigation at a later date.
There was pieces of the airplane outside of the Pentagon. He is just using some video with a poor angle of the wreckage as a basis for his argument. Why doesn’t he instead interview the people who where assigned to help clean up the mess? Oh yeah that’s right!They are controlled by government chips implanted into their brains! “100 tons of titanium and steel, gone.” Ummm… It just might be inside the building buddy along with the wings that got dragged in along with the plane.
Yeah! Let’s take the word of a CNN reporter who uses his careful and close-up examination of the plane wreckage at the Pentagon! Come on now, do I even have to try with this one? Oh and the official explanation was that it was all vaporized? Dude, that wasn’t the official explanation seeing they found most of the wreckage inside the building. But I guess since there are no picture of this online it possible CANNOT be true… Plus airplane fuel was not the only thing burning inside of there.