so tonight me and some of my good friends decided to go to our smoking spot, so we wnet and smoked 2 bowl packs, we afterwards we went back into town and this cop pulled us over, were all high as hell and frekin out you know? well he asks us all to get out and sreched the car and we had a 20 sac and a bowl and some rollin papers, well thankfully he didnt find any of it, but he did notice that his car smelled like weed. So he questioned us and of corse we denided it, he then said, " i dont give a shit if you did it, if you did it you did it, but you need to get some airfreshner because if another cop were to pull you i would get in trouble and you would all go to jail" then he said the reason we pulled you over was because we had a subcription of this car reported for vandilising houses tonight but we didnt find anything and to have a safe night" we werent the ones wwho vandalised the houses but damn im still sckeched out and paranoid as fuck because thast the 3rd time in one week ive gotten in trouble with the cops, thank god im movin to steamboat in 23 days......
sorry that ended up being so long.....