Replying to Ignorance
i was just reading a thread about how many parts of the patriot act are not going to be renewed because it does not have the senates suport. while i was reading, i noticed quite a few kids didnt even know what it was!!! One of my biggest pet peaves is ignorance. I cant think of somthing that bugs me more than when kids dont even know whats going on outside of their own small existance. i have heard many teens and young adults complaining about how their voices aren't heard by our government, and that the government only cares about the wealthy. DUH!!!! that is the fundimental flaw of democracy, men in power want to stay in power, and they will endorse the people that help them (i.e. the wealthy and groups with high voter turnout). If our generation got off of our collectivly stoned asses and actually participated in the goverment, we could make serious changes. but as long as the individual is still drowning in a sea of ignorance, this will never happen. So go out and learn somthing, participate, and if enough of us make a voice, we will HAVE to be heard
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